Chapter 24

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The first chapter of the games!

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The sun hits my eyes and the first thing I think as my platform clicks in is, water. A river. Running through the clearing. It looks deep. And strong. And wide. It winds its way down into the trees. The rest of the clearing is surrounded in forest.

I look around at the other tributes and see that they are all eyeing the river as well. I spot percy. Next to him is Daisy. We all lock eyes and I gesture to the trees. Percy points to two packs near him. I nod. I spot a pack and a dagger near me as well. I look back at him an he nods. I point to a large tree and he gets the picture. The clock in the sky reaches zero. The gong sounds and I sprint for the pack. I see Georgiana kill the boy from 3 and then Ditty kill the girl from 7. I see crunch break the girl from nines neck and then I turn and find myself staring into the blue eyes of Soren. But instead of him killing me, he looks around and mouths at me, 'go'. Surprised for only a second, I grab the pack and some daggers and sprint for the trees where I was meeting Daisy and Percy.

Daisy is waiting in the shade, white faced. There is no sign of Percy.

"Where is he?"

She points back out to the cornucopia and I see him, fighting Ditty. Juliet comes up behind him, holding a knife and aiming at his stomach. Without realizing what I'm doing, I run back out and throw a dagger at her. It skims past her nose and she turns away to find the thrower. She sees me and smiles evilly. She looks away from me and scans the rest of the bloodbath. She spots what she's looking for I follow her gaze and see Harriet trying to scavenge all she can from the things. Juliet looks at me one more time, sees that I've seen her and throws her knife. It hits Harriet's chest and she kneels over, coughing up blood. Then she falls, lifeless.

I hear myself scream and see Juliet go to collect her knife. Daisy runs out and pulls me back into the trees. She clamps her hand over my mouth and I realize that I'm still screaming. I close my mouth. Suddenly, Bonnie emerges out of the trees, holding a bow, a sheath of arrows and a backpack.

"No more splitting up." I say.


I turn my gaze to Percy, who is still fighting Ditty. Juliet is occupied in a battle with the remaining boy from 9, so it's just them. Percy spins and manages to have his sword against her neck for almost a second before she shifts her wight and twists around, pinning him to the ground. He struggles around a bit so she knocks his head against the ground, knocking him unconscious. She takes his sword and runs her blade along his forehead. Then she cuts his arm and stands up. Instead of finishing him off, she looks around and sees that Juliet has just killed her fighting partner and the other 4 careers are leaning against the cornucopia. A whole bunch of booms go off, signalling the end of the bloodbath but I can't count them all, so I can't be sure whether or not Percy is dead. He was losing blood but Ditty doesn't do anything more to him. Instead, she stands up and walks over to the other 4 careers like Juliet. The start talking, gather up all the remaining packs and things and put them in a pile by the cornucopia. Then, they talk again and Soren puts his hand up. They all nod and Crunch throws him a weapon. Then, all of them except Soren run off with their weapons. Going tribute hunting, I think. And Soren was guarding the food.

Bonnie looks at me.

"What are we going to do. We need to go in there and get Percy. Look, he's still breathing. He's not dead, but will be when the hovercraft comes and takes all the bodies." She says.

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