Change of Sides

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It was an ordinary day and Ayla was trying to get used to her new form. She had been staying with the Autobots for a while to get used to it. She found she was 1' 3" taller than Optimus, but thinner build and less muscle mass, but was stronger than him. He had been training with her, and to the Autobot's surprise, her fighting style was exactly like that of her father. The Prime noticed her change in personality every day. It got darker and eviller every day. He feared she would eventually go to the opposite side. Right now, she may have Megatron's old paint job of silver and red, and her optics were dark energon purple. They had changed her purple to the red when her optics turned dark energon purple instead of red. But, with every passing day, she grew to be more like her father that she didn't know existed, and that scared the Prime.

"Come at me!" Optimus ordered. Ayla let out a fearsome roar and ran at the Prime, blade drawn. Soon, their blades clashed and she pushed the Prime back powerfully, as she was stronger than before. She soon got the Autobot leader on his back, her foot stomped on his chest hard, and she pointed her fusion cannon at his spark. The Prime was afraid she would do it.

"Do you yield?" She asked darkly. She powered on the fusion cannon.

"I yield...." Optimus said. The fusion cannon then powered down, she got her foot off his chest, and she extended a hand to him for him to take. He took her hand and stood up. "You are ready for battle, Ayla." He said with a smile, though fear was still in his optics. Ayla smiled, her smile sent chills down his back strut because it was an evil smile.

"Yay!!!!" She said happily. Her clawed hands were together. Her dark energon purple optics shining happily. She beat the Prime in five minutes tops. She didn't even use full strength, but she could tell Optimus was. They left the training room to get a ration of energon for themselves, Ayla's turning to dark energon as soon as she touched the cube. Once they were in the main room with their energon, or dark energon in Ayla's case, Ayla walked over to her human brother. "Hey, Jack, guess what?!" Ayla asked happily.

"What, sis?" He asked with a chuckle at her happiness.

"I beat Optimus in five minutes tops!" She said happily.

"Wow..... I don't think anyone has ever done that....." He said.

Suddenly..... "Optimus! I am picking up Decepticon activity at an energon mine." Ratchet informed.

"Ratchet, activate the ground bridge." Optimus said. "Autobots, transform and roll out!" He said, then looked at Ayla. "Or fly out for one." He said with a smile.

"Wait! I can come?!" She asked with excitement. Optimus simply nodded.

"You proved you can handle yourself in a real fight." He said.

Ayla then transformed into a Cybertronian jet that matched Megatron's. She then flew through the ground bridge after the others. She soon came out to see a battle going on. She looked around and saw purple crystals instead of blue like the others would bring back. "This is not normal energon....." She said in a whisper.

"Right you are, Autobot!" Someone said. She then heard a fusion cannon power on behind her against her helm. She turned around to see none other than the Decepticon leader himself. He had defeated the Prime, and the others were defeated and already back at base. She was the only one left. She gulped in fear, afraid of this Cybertronian.

"Uh......" She said, scared.

Megatron's optics widened at who he saw. He lowered his fusion cannon from her helm as he powered it down. He was before his daughter, his little Ayla that he had thought died long ago to have recently found her previously. "A-Ayla?" He asked.

"How do you know my name?" She asked. She was confused at the similarities between her and him. He then approached her slowly and hugged her tightly. She struggled in his grasp, trying to get out of his reach. She soon got out of his grasp and backed away and called for a ground bridge. Soon one showed up and she ran through.

"What happened?" Ratchet asked her.

"I-I don't know, but why did Megatron know my name and hug me?" She asked. Optimus sighed and beckoned her over to him.

"Megatron...... He is your father. I fear you are becoming just like him...... And I knew your mother..... She died at birth because of you and your bigger size and the fact you are a Royal Dark Energon Vampire just like your father....." Optimus said.

"I am not like that monster. He is evil." She said with a dark growl.

"I can tell, you WILL be just like your father. I can see it in you and your personality, how you carry yourself, how you fight, and how you talk and act. You are becoming just like him." He said. That crossed a line. Ayla's optics turned blood red and white like Megatron's, just a normal blood red unlike where Megatron's are a dark blood red. Her claws had been dulled down, but they sharpened back up. She soon attacked the Prime, she fought hard , for she was aiming to kill him. Soon, he was close to death, she had some bad wounds as well, she then transformed and flew out of the Autobot base, heading anywhere but there.

She didn't know where she was going, but soon she found an airborne ship in the air. It looked like a warship, but she didn't care, it was just somewhere for her to rest. She transformed and landed on the flight deck. She fell to her knees as she landed. She was not only wounded badly, but was wounded fatally..... She fell onto her side in a huge puddle of dark energon. She was soon surrounded. Megatron pushed through his drones to see what they were pointing their weapons at. His optics widened when he saw it was his daughter. He kneeled beside her and flipped her onto her back. She had passed out moments ago.

"Stand down. This is my daughter, Ayla." He said. When they heard the name, they immediately put their weapons away and made room for the warlord to take his daughter to the medbay. "You will be alright, my dear. You will be alright." He said and kissed her forehelm.



Hi, guys! Sorry for not updating ANY of my stories for a while. I know you all love them. I will try to update more often, but no promises.

Love you all!

-Ayla, out!

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