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   I stomped down the stairs dreading the moment the door would burst open. I liked Elizabeth, but she was just too much. I preferred her as my cousin only, not my betrothed. A visit once every three months would be fine, but twice a week! No, no, no.

   "Master! I have your 'Kawaii costume' that Elizabeth left last time she was here," I looked up to see Mei-rin staring at me, holding a a bright blue suit, decorated with bows and flowers. "She'll want you to wear it Master, yes she will."

   I didn't care what she wanted, I wasn't interested in her.

   "No, I will be dressed in my normal attire. If she wants me to wear it, she'll have to force it on me." Now that I think about it, she'll probably do just that. I pushed Mei-rin aside and went into the dining hall, sure enough there was a feast laid out onto the table. It consisted of pancakes, chocolate mousse, cupcakes and other sweet things. There was one thing that caught my eye.

   Chocolate and caramel cake.

   "Young master," Sebastian called out to me. Noticing that I was staring at the cake, he smiled. "For today's breakfast I have made an assortment table. Blueberry pancakes, vanilla muffins, strawberry fondue and rocky road biscuits are just at the beginning of a wonderful feast. Would you like to guess your tea?" He asked, seating me at one end of the table. I nodded. Sebastian walked over to a cart at the other side of the room and prepared a delicious smelling tea. Moments later it was in front of me, tempting my taste buds. 

   "Earl grey tea?" I quizzed, taking a sip. It slid down my throat a treat. I put the cup down and glared at the cake, indelicately hinting that I wanted some.

   "Excellent, my lord. Now then, cake is it? This is a double chocolate chocolate chip sponge cake with caramel-chocolate buttercream." My butler informed me, elegantly cutting me a slice. He placed it on a plate and slid it over to me. I picked up a fork and began to eat it. I loved cake, especially Sebastian's. "After your breakfast, it will be time for your violin lesson." 

   I nodded. Sebastian turned and stepped out. After I finished my scrumptious snack, I called on my servant, Bardroy.

   "Yes, Master?" He hurried into the room, he knew I didn't have a lot of patience. 

   "Go and prepare dinner with Sebastian. Do everything he says." I ordered. He lightly bowed in reply and rushed off. "And DON'T BLOW ANYTHING UP!" I yelled after him. Whenever he cooked he always managed to set the mansion alight. The last time he was making dessert, he blew the oven up, spreading my precious cake everywhere. I made my way to the music room to find Sebastian waiting for me with his teaching suit on. At the sight of me, he straightened up and held out a violin, which I took. I was terrible at violin and he knew it, but then I guess that that's what lessons are for.

   "We will begin with the simple note of 'A'." He picked up his own violin and gracefully demonstrated how to do it. I copied him exactly, and yet it still sounded like a dying cat.

Scarlet Temptation (Ciel x Sebastian) (Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now