Special •L O S T• Chapter

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I dragged my feet, with a ragged breath. My mind was in a frenzy right now, desperately struggling to find a focused view of what just happened. The air was freezing and the rain dripped down onto my body. 

A sob escaped my lips, sounding like painful gasps when your dying. Dying. That was the exact feeling that I felt doing right now. 

I had finally reached it. The stone that was forcefully hit into the ground. I leaned onto a nearby tree, my tears mixing in with the rain. 

"You left me," I sobbed, "you promised me." I pulled my hair to give me some feeling that I'm alive. This is true. This is real. It happened. And.... It can't change.

"No!" My raspy breath let out a angry scream. My fists his the ground multiple times. "No! No! No! Please! Please come back!" I begged and begged, pleading to the gods. I finally stopped, tired from screaming, punching, and crying.

The rain was harder now, the air was turning much colder now-- making my nose turn red. "Out of everyone.. why did it have to be you?" I looked up at the sky. I stared back down at the ground and grey stone. 

"..... I should stop crying now shouldn't I?.." I smiled weakly, wiping away the tears on my face. Suddenly the rainy skies started to clear, and a bright sun carried along the blue sky. "Yeah.. You're right." I nodded tiredly and started to walk away. 





"Why'd you leave me (Y/n)?" I whispered.

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