Chapter 23- You.

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Ready for my date with Matt

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ready for my date with Matt. I really need to stop saying that... Oh well at least it make me sound like a normal sociable person who goes on dates and doesn't cry over just one single boy who she isn't talking to right now.

I take a deep breath before I walk into the restaurant. I spot him sitting down at a table wearing some nice formal clothing.

"Why hello there." He says in a posh accent, I chuckle as I take a seat.

"Hi." I say with a smile, he chuckles as well before sitting up straight. "Should we order?" I ask him since this girl hungry.

"Sure, Can we have the menus?...Please!" Matt says in a way too polite voice that almost sounds sarcastic, maybe it's not sarcastic and I just think it is ugh my tumblr ruined brain.

I read through the menu until I see something that looks worth paying for, lasagna. Yes please.

"Ready to order?" A waiter asks, Matt nods as he orders his chicken beef rice stuff I dunno I wasn't paying attention I was too busy noticing how familiar a scent was in the room. Who is that? "And for the lady?"

"Can I please have the lasagna with a side of salad and an iced milk chocolate tea?" I ask nicely, the man nods before walking away. "Hey do you get that weird vibe?" I ask Matt looking around a little.

"Nope, why you always picking out vibes? You're like a physic I swear." He says with a laugh, I just awkwardly join in with the laughter.

"No seriously I swear someone we know is here and it's really awkward." I say, he just kind of looks away, he knows wassup.

"So anyway." He says changing the subject, hmm I'll let that one slip. "We all know what has to be talked about..." Uh oh here we gooo. "Do you two still talk?" He asks leaning a little as if we're talking about some top secret plans.

"No, do you? I mean he did punch you. All you did was tell him the truth."

"I know but he wasn't really in control of his emotions that night... Issy might of-I mean he jus-"

"Issy might of what?" I ask wanting to know more, what the fuck did Issy do? I swear that girl can never be left alone for longer than two seconds.

"She spiked some of his drinks he was mildly intoxicated." Bitch! Why would be spike his drunks? "She wanted you two to end up making out or something she said he just needed a 'little push' to make the first move she had goodish intentions." He's right, she was just having fun. She didn't know that all of this drama would happens because of it.

"You're right but. Do you talk to him?" I ask. I'd rather not go of track I just want to know what's up.

"Yes, yes I do. And it's about time you do the same." Once the food arrives Matt pays and leaves, wait Matt!

"Matt! Are you just leaving me al-" oh my god it's Crawford and wow he looks dayum fine in formal clothing. Why is he here? Matt planned this!

"Nice place." Crawford says with a smirk as he sits down, for some weird reason my stomach fills with butterflies and I just can't help but smile at his presences. "You" He says finally looking at me, I feel my cheeks heat up. Dayum why does this boy have total control over me? I swear he cold just sit there and not talk and I'd probably be blushing.

"Thank you, you look quit nice as well." I say kindly, taking a sip of my tea.

We both finish our food having a nice dinner, neither of us bringing up the current situation.

"Come on, follow me." He says with a cute smile showing his dimple, because I'm a lil bitch I do just that and I end up following him through alleyways, he stops when we reach a long stairs case, he looks back at me before climbing up.

I climb up after him which is a little
hard due to my current outfit, wow. We're on a rooftop and this view is beautiful.

"Wow." I say as I look around me. "This place is so pretty but grunge, kinda like me." I say smiling at my witty comment, he laughs before sitting near the edge. The ground is fairly clean so I join him and I sit next to him.

"You really do look beautiful tonight you know?" He says looking at me, I just giggle and look away, back at the view.

"This you're cliche place where you reminisce your life and think?" I ask rolling my eyes at how many people have those places in books and stuff.

"No." He says laughing. "Golden found it a while back and me and the guys just chill here sometimes. it's fun. I'll make sure to invite you to our next lil rooftop chill sesh." He says smiling at me, that smile is so irresistible.

"So..." He says awkwardly looking around. "You still mad?" He asks making eye contact with me, I just sigh as I lay my head on his shoulder.

Almost instantly he puts a warm arm around me.

"Mad no, confused yes."

"Thanks for making your answer simple." He says, I just laugh at his words.

"Why didn't anyone tell me you were drunk?"

"We didn't get the chance to." He says, he turns so that he is facing me. "Look, Levi. Lev, I just-I-You're." He says shaking his head, once he collects himself again he starts speaking, wait is thing going where I think it is?

"I like you, like a lot. Maybe a little too much but I don't really care at this point. You're quirky cute awkwardness to your boss ass moments and you're fashion and you're face and the way you talk with that cute Australian cross American accent and how soft your voice is. You're love for your friends and how you're always down to just have fun and you don't really care about the negatives. From the day when you literally roasted all of us I knew you were different. Just the way your eyes sparkle when you're truly happy and the way they darken when your angry or the way they become more glassy when your sad. I have no idea if you feel the same way but I like you a lot Levi."


What do I say? I obviously like him back I mean it's more than obvious but is now the right time? It's right after the drama. Maybe we needed that fight to happen for us both to find whre we stand.

He looks down a bit when I don't respond, aww no Crawf don't be sad, I lean over and lift his chin up and it and I just sort of look into his eyes, wait what did I just do? I'm about to kiss him, Crawford startings leaning in, H MY GOD THIS IS HAPPENING!!!

His soft lips gently touch mine, his lips feel warm, the kiss feels safe, not chased or rushed. It has so much emotion, my brain might literally melt right now. We both pull away at the same time hut we keep our foreheads touching, I just smile, same as Crawf.

"So you like me?"

"Yes." I laugh as I sit back a little, wow can I just take a moment to collect my thoughts, that kiss was amazingly beautiful.

"So, Levi Rakim will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." I say laughing as I lean into him, he also holds a massive smile as he wraps his arms around me.

Our Love Is A Trip |C.C|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang