Chapter 17- Good Me M.A.A.D City

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"You know we can always just not go to this party?" I suggest as I follow Issy into the 10th store.

"Shut up." She looks at different clothing pieces. I feel my stomachs grumble. "Someones hungry." She comments her eyes still fixed on the pieces of fabric in front of her. "We can eat once I at least get a top."

"Fine, there is nothing in this store you would like Iz, it's all grandma stuff!" An old lady shushes me, "oh sorry." I say in embarrassment, Issy laughs as she pulls me out of the store.

"So who are you bringing to your sisters party?" She asks as we both walk through the mall. I shrug. "Oh don't shrug me! We all know who you're bringing!" She says loudly with a laugh, my cheeks light up. Crap. "You're bringing Crawford and we all know it."

"Okay yes I was planning on asking him to attend the party..."

"Attend? Chill. are you only bringing him?"

"I might incite his friends or maybe Eva and stuff but we haven't talked in a while so might leave that for another day."

"True, we don't need drama at the party... Who am I kidding! I can't wait to see who ends up having the party drama, I'll be on the side of waay to drunk girl who's ass of falling out of her dress because hot messes are my spirit animals." I shake my head at Issy's expectations for the party.

"Or you know we could have fun and party! It's in Malia's house, her house is massive! I can't wait to see how many people turn up."

"That too." I laugh as I shake my head.


"Hey I'm hungry." Issy says lounging around on my couch.


"Tacos?" She asks slightly sitting up. Hmm do I want tacos? I mean I'm always down for tacos. I'm kind of feeling pizza.


"As long as it's food I'm all good." She says sitting up and grabbing the keys for her silver BMW. Wait is she not going to change? I mean we're dressed in our 'no one will see me' outfits. This is what I binge watch shows on Netflix in!

"Lev, you coming?"

"Are we going out like this in public?"

"Are we going out like this in public?"

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"Yeah... I'm hungry looking good can wait. Plus we still have full faces of makeup on since we're gross fucks." I laugh as I get up and put on some nikes.

As soon as we arrive Issy already has snapchat open, we both get he fair amount of views considering we have gained quiet a lot of Instagram followers, we actually have proper themes now and people don't just follow because we know Eva and Crawf and stuff. It's simply because we're 'pretty' even though we look like weird-

"Okay so Levi and I are in public and she is literally in her Yoda jumper." She says laughing. I happily look to the screen and zip up the jacket fully which covers my face making me transform into yodaaaa. She laughs as she uploads it to her story.

We both order and sit down inside, our milkshakes arrive and before I can even speak Issy already has something to say.

"So should I bring some dance friends?"  Issy asks.

"Sure, and I'll bring Crawford, Chris, Matt...Golden? Maybe sam? I don't really know him that well."

"When do you meet all these people. Ugh ew you're becoming one of 'them!" She says putting emphasis on the word 'them', I just raise an eyebrow. "One of those non-tumblr kids! The ones who socialise and who don't know what ship means!" I laugh, ah one of those.

"I would never! They're all Crawfords friends."

"Oh so he already introduced you to his friends, why are you two not dating yet? I mean you already act like a couple!"

"Iz, we're just... I dunno playful. We're just having fun and being friends it's nothing serious. It's not like we actually depend on eachother or anything."

"Still. I ship it. Crawiiii! Or Levord' Crevi? YES, THATS THE ONE!" She says loudly everyone looks over at us.

"You know wearing this outfit I really wanted to get as little attention as possible. But thanks for that, really." I say sarcastically. Ooo Pizza is here, we only ordered one large margarita for the both of us and chips of course.

I happily take a bite or the delicious thing that is Pizza.

"I'll invite Kelsey and Olive. Them two are hella fun." She says thinking aloud.

"Cool." I say with a mouth stuffed with pizza. Issy laughs as she gets out phone, well shit this is going on snapchat.

I swallow the pizza quickly, OWWW MY THROAT.

I drink my milkshake to try and help the food actually go down, yeah I'm gross what's new?

"Levi?" Oh my god a human, I zip up my jacket instantly before even thinking how much more stupid that would make me look. "I know you're there dummy, Ooo pizza!" Aaaand it's Golden. "Why hello there!" I unzip my jacket so my head isn't Yoda's. "Why have you never introduced me to your friend?" Golden asks with a wide smile as he nudges me.

"Golden why are you here?" I say as I lay my head in my hands.

"Aww you aren't happy to see me?" He asks wrapping his arms around me hugging me way to tight, I slap his arms away as I gasp for air. "Me and the guys were out and I felt like pizza."

The guys? Oh no please do not tell me Crawford is with him. If I see him dressed like this I will actually cry. Before I can even comprehend what's going on I'm in Golden's arms. He carries me out of the shop, aw my pizza.


"Golden what the fuck put her down!" Matt yells, Golden lets me back down, oh my god this is so embarrassing right there is Matt, Crawford and Andrew, who I may fangirl over constantly but who cares I'm dressed like an idiot.

"This is so embarrassing." I whisper to golden, he looks over kind of sympathetic.

"OKAY YES YOU TWO CAN RUN OFF ON ME ITS COO-oh hi!" Thank god Issy is here to break the ice, OK Issy say something funny and stupid to stop this awkward tension! Ugh why is she staying quiet? The one time I want her to be-

"Golden why did you just kidnap Levi and ditch Issy?" Matt asks really shocked, I don't even dare to look at Crawfords face I think I might die from embarrassment.

"Okay wow cool nice talk Issy and I have to go pat our llamas bye!" I yell quickly grabbing her arm and running back to where we parked, right next to Issy's car is Crawfords Sexy car.

"Ok Issy unlock your car so we can get back to my place because if my embarrassment level gets any higher I will literally cry myself to sleep."

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