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Someone opened the door. I could hear, but I couldn't open my eyes. I heard a gasp. It was Hannah. "Oh my god" I heard her say. She picked me up and ran out the door. She was surprisingly strong. She kicked the door to her house violently. Her mother opened the door and saw me. I barely opened my eyes, but when I did, I saw that Hannah was crying. They put me on the counter in the middle of their kitchen. "What do we do?" I heard Hannah ask. Her mother thought for a while before saying "well she can't go back that's for sure. We'll check the damage, you can do that, then we bring her to the hospital and call the police there." Her mother left the room and Hannah began to lift up my shirt and flannel. I was almost fully exposed as she pressed down on my ribs. When shevot to the one that cracked, I gtabbed her wrist. I clenched my eyes shut. "Sorry" she whispered. "Mom! Sh-she's got a broken rib o-or something!" Her mother rushed into the room and called the hospital. I fainted.

I woke up later in a hospital bed. Hannah was sitting beside and I looked around to see her mother speaking to the police. Hannah noticed that I woke up and she held my hand. She held it to her face and kissed it. But it was a friendly kiss. "What happened?" She whispered. I explained everything. How the hurt me, how they didn't think that I had found the roght boy yet, how I loved her. I began to cry after I finished and she did too. The police man looked at me with a comforting smile. He walked iver to the sother side of the bed. "So, Alexandra." "Alex" both Hannah and I answered. He chuckled lightly and said "ok, Alex. Would you like to tell me what happened, or your friend here?" I looked at Hannah desperately. I told her the story once and I cried, so she would have to. "Well, she went home after school and her parents wanted to see her grades. They weren't impressed, even though they're great, and her mother slapped her. She fell and her father kicked her back. He told her that she couldn't be friends with me anymore. B-but she protested a-and he kicked her. They left leaving the door unlocked. I walked in and panicked so I carried her home. My mother and I checked what had happened and we brought her here. Then we called you." She stuttered when she got to the part about our friendship. Luckily she didn't tell him about my feelings.

The police man had taken everything down and he asked me if I might know where my parents were. I shook my head. He patted my shoulder lightly and said "so, this might be hard. You have to either go into foster care, as you aren't old enough to live on your own, or you live with your friend." He looked at me and waited patiently. I looked at Hannah woth a pleading look. She was already smirking and she said "with me of course. We're already best friends." I sighed with relief and squeezed her hand thankfully. The police man wrote it down and said "Hannah's mother will have to do some paper work. And when we find your parents, we'll go to court. Ok?" I nodded. The fact that my parents might go to jail pained me. But it was the right thing to do.

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