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I went to school the day after, with a huge bruise on my face. I had been slapped by my father. He wasn't impressed with me and said that "it would come either way", whatever he ment by that. I tried to cover it up as much as I could with makeup, but it was still slightly visible. I kept my head down in hopes that Hannah wouldn't have to see me that way. But nothing seemed to be going my way lately. I was walking to lunch with my head down when I bumped into someone. I fell and the person caught me. I looked up to see Hannah. "Hey, doof." She said and smiled. She helped me stand up straight too. "Hey, Han. Sorry." I knew that I sounded quite sad, but I honestly didn't care at that point. I stood up straight and fixed my clothes and stuff, oblivious to the fact that she could see my bruise. I heard her gasp, so i looked up. She cupped my face and looked closer. She accidentally touched the spot that was most painful and I groaned in pain. "Oh, sorry. What happened?" I didn't know if I should tell her about my parents, or I should make up a lie. And me being stupid made up a lie. "Oh, nothing. I just fell down my stairs, that's all. Nothing a beanie and a falannel can't off of." It probably didn't sound very convincing, because she dragged me to lunch with her.

We sat down and didn't really speak. I knew that things were awkward between us, but it wasn't because od the kiss. It was because I lied to her. But to be fair, I did it to protect my parents, even if they didn't love me. "Hey," she started. She didn't call me "doof" this time, ao I knew she was being serious. "What really happened?" I stayed silent for a while. I stared inti her yellow eyes, while she stared into my green ones. I bit my lip and let my head down. My long, brown locks hid my face. "My dad..." I mumbled it but I knew she heard me. "That piece of sh-" I cut her off "stop. I'm fine." A few tears rolled down my eyes so I wiped them away. I forgot that I was wearing makeup and literally half of it came off. Now my entire bruise was visible. "No you're not. I want you to stay with for a while, maybe even longer. Tonight just pack a bag and I'll pick you up at midnight. Ok?" I didn't want to follow the plan, but I needed to get away.

I came home with my graded homework in my hands. I opened the door and saw my father and mother with their arms crossed. "Are yoir grades better?" My mother spat. I had gotten a B+. It was slightly better than last week, but it obviously wasn't good enough for them. I shakily handed them the paper and instantly my mother slapped me. I fell to the floor and cried. My dad looked at me and said "that girl, you can't be friends with her anymore." I panicked immidietely. "No. I-I love her!" I spoke the truth. They didn't like it. My father kicked my back and shouted "that's not true! You just haven't found the right boy yet!" He walked around to my front and kicked my ribs. I heard a small crack and I slputtered in pain. "But who would want you anyway?!" He spat. They opened the door and left. They never locked it, which was a mistake. I was left on the floor, coughing up blood violently. That's when everything went black.

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