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We met up the next day at lunch. We had a few classes together but we still rarely saw eachother. She ate like a lion. A lot and messy. She seemed to have a bottomless apetite and certainly wasn't shy. She finished her meal in record speed and waited for me to finish as well. "So, doof. I have some exciting news for you." I had no idea what she was going to say so I just sat and listened. But her news pained me more than excited me. She was talking about another boy. She went on and on about this guy called Josh. I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up. I almost cried but she pulled me out of it when she asked "so, you got your eye on anybody?" My body screamed to tell her but I kept it at bay. I didn't know what to tell her so I jsut said "well, she's crazy, li-" I was suddenly cut off by Hannah. "Wait, you're into girls?" She looked genuinely surprised. I honestly didn't know who I liked yet so I searched my mind vigorously. I was almost about to do something stupid and awkward when I remembered a certain quote. "Well, I don't remember who said it but, someone once said: I don't fall in love with men or women, I fall in love with people..." She chuckled and called me a poet. "So, what's her name?" I panicked and searched my thoughts high and low but couldn't think of anything. Luckily I was saved by the, literal, bell.

After school she invited me to her place. She had her own car. It looked quite old and broken but she seemed to love it deeply. We sat next to eachother and she drove so fast, I felt like we eere breaking at least twelve laws. I raised my arms up and felt the intense wind hit my palms. "Whoohoo!" I exclaimed. I truly felt free for once and I thought I was going to take off into flight. I eventually rested my hands in my lap when she began to play music. We talked a lot and eventuaally she asked agian "so, doof. What is her name?" I froze. I couldn't tell her. I couldn't. I gave her a desperate look and she took her hands off the wheel in surrender for a secomd and said "ok, ok. I get it. You can tell me when you're ready. But anyway, Josh asked me out around sixth period. We're going out tomorrow." She smiled like an excited child and even though I hated the fact that I couldn't have her, I still felt happy for her. I smiled and chuckled.

We arrived at her house and we went straight inside. "So, doof. I live with my mom and she's quite young. She had me when she was fifteen. But anyway, that just means you can think of her as a good friend. She'll understand most of todays things anyway." I nodded and looked around. Her house was clean and big. Most of the walls were white, except for a few that were gray. Her mother came bounding down the stairs and hugged her daughter. Hannah told her about her date with Josh. She told her about me, too. She looked behinf her and saw me. She waved and hugged me. "So girls, we've got some junk food waiting in the kitchen and you can have whatever you want from the fridge." Her mother sounded loving and happy. I wished for a mother like that. We walked into the kitchen and she started blaring some of my favourite music. My Chemical Romance. We danced like idiots and lipsinked into wooded spoons and whisks. Her mother joined the dancing and eventually we were on the floor in fits of laughter. I lookd at the time and realized that I had to leave. "Hey I gotta go, see you..." I picked up my bag but froze immidietely when I felt something heavy.

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