Getting it off of Our Chests

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Hannah and I went through summer extremely well. We became an official couple to ourselves and her mother, but we wanted to wait until school started to tell anybody else or "come out" for that matter. But summer was over and we were going back to school. We were extremely excited to tell people. We felt the need to get it off of our chests.

We walked into school on the first of September. We started by telling some of our closest friends. We met up with Jessica, Nina, Jamie and Rebecca. We told them everything. Their reactions were pretty much all positive.
"Oh my god, I'm so happ ly for you!"
"You guys are so cute together."
"Aw you guys are adorable."

They were really helpful and they promised not to tell anybody until we did. They were great friends. "Hey, I hope you don't mind... But can we tell Josh?" I didn't really want to, but I knew that she needed the closure. We walked up to him discretely holding hands. "Hey Josh. Um... I jsut wanted to tell you that I um... Er, we-" I cut her off because she was clearly not ready. I grabbed her face gently and kissed her. I saw both her and Josh blush. When we finished kissing a lot of people clapped. It was cheesy, but that was ok. But Josh didn't look impressed. His face was red with embarrassment and fury. "How could you leave us for-for... That?" He said it as if I wasn't even there. He seemed furious. He walked up to her and slapped her. He was much stronger than most people. Hannah held the side of her face whilst a few tears rolled down her eyes. He looked at me, then back to her. He lifted his fist up to hit her. I panicked. I didn't. Want her to feel anymore pain than she had to. I stepped between them right as he swung at her. He me in the ribs. I was still wearing a bandage around most of my torso, because I needed to heal. But his blow took me back almost weeks of healing. I clutched my chest and fell to the floor. He was about to continue when a teacher appeared. Someone had brought him there. He held back Josh and looked at me with worry. I felt like I as going to faint, but I slwoly stood up and brought Hannah and I to the nurse.

When we got to the nurse we showed her our injuries. She helped me and Hannah and told us that we were free to leave. Hannah and I had a math class to attend to so we hurriedly went down the corridors. We opened the door and apologised for bwing late. We sat down at the only free desks. We weren't next to eachother, as we had hoped to be, so all we could do was listen. After a while I looked over to Hannah. She was crying. She put her hand up, still looking down and asked "may I be excused?" The teacher let her go and I watched as she cried and left the room. No one had really noticed that she was crying. After a while when the teacher had assigned work to us, he walked over to me. "Hey Alex. I heard about you two." I looked up at him and panicked. "Don't worry, love is love. But she looked kind of sad. Do you thik you can talk to her?" I nodded and he handed me the homework. He winked at me (in a friendly way, don't worry) and I left discretely, grabbing my bag.

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