Piantette grabbed Rosalina. "Don't mess with me," she scowled. "I know who you are. I know who you're after. Don't touch me, or Mario!"

"But you're the one touching me!!" Rosalina yelled. "What are you talking about? Why are you so...so...evil all of a sudden?"

"I've always been evil," Piantette cackled. "It's just that my potential hasn't been unlocked until recently."

Rosalina was confused.

But Piantette kept explaining, her grip staying firm. "You see, when Kamek hit me with that spell back on Planet Frostbite, it changed me. I've unlocked my true self. This is who I am."

"But it isn't," Rosalina said. "Piantette, back on Islé Delfino, I saw the real you. A kind, loving, fangirlish, sort of creepy, yet---"

Piantette cut her off. "Enough!" she yelled, and released Rosalina. She looked away. "Not a word of this to anyone," she commanded. "Now get out."

Rosalina wouldn't hesitate. She ran for her LIFE! She ran all the way up to Mario's room. "Oh my gosh!" she burst into tears.

"What's wrong?" Mario sprang up.

"I---I---" Rosalina chattered.

Suddenly Luigi appeared in the doorway. "Mario! The ---- uh, oh . . ." he noticed Rosalina in the room. "There's, there's been a leak in the boat. We're sinking fast! Come on!"

Mario and Rosalina ran to the stern of the ship to find everyone freaking out.

"Oh, what do we do, what do we do?" Starlow wailed, flying in circles.

"Why are YOU panicking?" Mario said. "You can fly, and we can't!"

Kylie walked up to Mario. "I've got a raft," she said. "Follow me."

Everyone took off after Kylie's raft and hopped on JUST as the last of the ship disappeared beneath the waves.

Mario counted the passengers. "Snowden . . . Toad . . . Piantette . . . Luigi . . . Starlow . . . Kylie . . . Rosalina . . . and Sprix. Great! Gang's all here!"

"Now what?" Mario asked.

"I can see Treasure Island from here on the horizon, thank goodness," Kylie breathed a sigh of relief. "Let's row there! Cheep's waiting!"

Mario didn't even bother to ask who Cheep was. He just picked up his oar and started rowing...thinking about why the ship had sunk.


About an hour later, an exhausted Mario collapsed onto a beach. A fish appeared at Mario's head. He was red, had big, white eyes, and a yellow thing atop his head. "You won't get to your princess like that, will ya?" he asked.

Mario sat up. "Who are you?" he asked.

"Name's Cheep," the fish said. "And I know all about you, Mario. Kylie's told me quite a lot over the phone lately."

"Cheep is like a brother to me," Kylie hugged him. "And it just so happens that he maneuvers the cannon found right here on Treasure Island. It'll shoot us to Planet Bowser."

"Great! Let's get going!" Mario said. He followed Kylie and Cheep to the cannon where they loaded the rest of the group in first.

When it was Kylie's turn, Cheep sighed. "Mario," he asked. "I know we just met and all, but I'd love to accompany you to Planet Bowser."

Mario looked at him. Cheep looked sincere enough, and as annoying as Kylie could get sometimes, he trusted her. Any friend of hers was a friend of his.

"Of course," Mario smiled. "That's ten members of my group!"

Cheep sent Kylie flying to the central planet. "What, you don't have a name for your group yet?" Cheep asked.

Mario shrugged.

"Well, I've got one. How about 'the Intergalactic Travelers'"? Cheep suggested.

"'The Intergalactic Travelers,'" Mario repeated. "I love it. Now shoot me!" Cheep made an odd look. "To the planet, I mean."

Mario and Cheep touched down on Planet Bowser soon after. They looked at the immense castle standing in front of them, and at the rest of the group. Together, the Intergalactic Travelers stepped forward.

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