14 | Corona Volcano

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Islé Delfino is known universe-wide for its natural beauty. From Delfino Square to Sonoma Beach to Sunshine Airport, Islé Delfino is very touristy. Mario had previously learned this when he visited another time long ago, but that's another story!

The inhabitants of Islé Delfino, the Piantas, were also extremely kind and they maintained a good and close relationship with the Mushroom Kingdom.

Anyway, at the center of the main island stood Corona Volcano, an extinct mountain which apparently housed the Golden Pipe (according to Piantette).

So when Mario's group began climbing the mountain, they were feeling a little nervous --- what if the volcano suddenly blew its top?

Mario turned to Rosalina as they walked up to the summit. "I'm surprised there was no one here to help us get the lock off the Bowser Galaxy door," he sighed. "Maybe on Planet Frostbite there will, though!"

"Always be positive," Rosalina laughed. "But anyway, I'm just glad that we can get out of Islé Delfino. We've been here for a week!"

"And I've been here all my life!" Piantette said, running in between the two people. "And it's been great! In fact, you, Mario should live here from now on! Okay? Okay!"

Rosalina's eyes turned wide. "Oh," she laughed. "She's got the hots for you!!"

Mario sighed. "I know. But I don't want to hurt her feelings--because who knows what she'll do then."

"You've got Princess Peach," Rosalina said. "Or me too, if you'd like."

"I wonder how long it'll be 'till we reach the summit," Mario said, quickly changing the subject. "We'll be in the Bowser Galaxy before we know it!"

Up ahead close by, Luigi and the other ones were having their own run-in with Piantette.

"This is terribly boring," Starlow shrugged, flying on. Luigi rolled his eyes.

"You don't even have legs!"
he laughed. "You're flying!" He turned to Sprix. "You, too!"

Then Piantette came. "I HAVE LEGS!" she said to Luigi. Then she stretched them out. "See?"

Sprix's eyes widened. "No, I don't see your legs but you're sticking them right in front of us."

"Don't be rude," Piantette said, putting her legs down. She grabbed the sprixie's arm. "I will hurt you."

"What did the Pianta say to the Human?" Sprix asked.

"I don't know," Piantette said, looking at herself. "I'm half human and half Pianta."

"I don't know either. That's why I asked!" Sprix chuckled.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Toad said. "So funny!"

Starlow stared at Toad in surprise. Toad was so nice, almost at times too nice. It was kind of annoying to her sometimes, but Toad was so lovable she didn't really care.

"Want to hear another joke?" Sprix asked.

"NO!!!" Starlow yelped.

"Okay, so what now?" Toad asked.

"Let's talk about our personal lives," Luigi suggested. "We are very interesting people."

"Okay??" Sprix laughed. "Well, lately I left everything behind for a few weeks to travel with you guys . . ." Luigi waited like Sprix was going to say more. "and that's it?" the fairy concluded.

"Same with me," Starlow said.

"Well," Pianette started, "I have a major crush on someone right now! And that's it."

One name popped in everyone's minds: Mario.

Mario skidded up to the rest of the group. "Hey!" he yelled. "We're about to reach the summit of the volcano!"

And right he was. For the group had been walking since early morning, and by now it was noon. The group was so happy to be done with that grueling hike! It wasn't even that tall of a mountain, but they really had climbed to the center of Islé Delfino, where they looked over everything.

"Pretty," Piantette said. "But I've seen prettier things...and people."

Rosalina seemed to be the only one who got the reference.

"Uh oh," Piantette said, cooking up an evil plan. "We might have to sacrifice someone into the volcano in order to reach the Golden Pipe."

Mario gasped. "What?! Why?!"

"Because," Piantette twirled we knees. She really hadn't thought of an answer to that question. "Because...the Delfino gods may not be happy with us?"

"That sounded like a question," Rosalina pointed out.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"I say we sacrifice Rosalina!" Piantette said. Everyone's eyes widened even more.

"What?!?!" Rosalina gasped in surprise. "Why would we even need to sacrifice anyone, when the Golden Pipe is right over there?" She pointed at a rock in the distance.

For he first time, most of the group turned their heads in that direction.

"True," Piantette sighed. "Come on."

She led the group over to the Golden Pipe. "Well," Mario said. "Goodbye, Islé Delfino!"

He disappeared into the pipe, followed by the others. Piantette was the last. She was mad. She was SOOO close to getting rid of Rosalina. Oh well. Always a next time! She jumped down the Golden Pipe and disappeared.


Piantette emerged in the white room with the doors. "Oh!" Mario said. "You're here!"

"Yes?" Piantette said. "I'd assumed I'd joined your group."

Mario looked at Luigi, then shrugged his shoulders.

"We have to try the next door to break the lock off the Bowser Galaxy gate," Rosalina said.

They looked at the next world. Planet Frostbite. Well, maybe they could freeze the lock off! Actually, that wasn't a really bad idea...

So Mario opened the door that read Planet Frostbite, and tumbled into the snow.


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