Chappie 17: What Happened?

Start from the beginning

I'd been though it once, I don't need it again, so we just stuck to the close watching. The doctor came back with the test results, and he said I was free to go home tonight, I just had to have Louis here to sign the release papers, considering he is the one that watches over me when I have to be away from school. I smiled at the doctor and thanked him for everything, he told me it was no problem at all, considering it was all in a day's work for him.

The doctor left and I was left alone with Niall yet again. Niall climbed into the surprisingly big hospital bed with me and cuddled to my side. I hugged him tight and kissed his head. He looked at me with bright eyes and smiled. "So, Violet, when you, yknow passed out, where were you, or like, was it all just black? What happened?" I looked at him and smiled.

"No, it wasn't all black. I was in the in between, with my guardian Angel Maci. Maci was supposed to be my sister." Then I looked down and continued. "But she said my parents got in a car accident, while my mom was pregnant with her. So, she never got to see life, I felt bad for her, but she said not to. She still got to meet me, and that's all that made her happy. Maci helped me figure out that I did want to live the rest of my life, and that I didn't want to die right then and there." A few tears came to my eyes, yet Niall still urged me to continue the story, so I did.

"She showed me what the future would be for the school, Zayn, Perrie, Louis, Eleanor, Liam, Brianna, Harry, Cameron, and... You. None of  the futures were very bright, but even if they were. I think I would've come back anyway." Niall smiled at me and wiped my tears off, then he kissed my forehead. I smiled at him and looked at the chair that used to occupied by Niall, and I saw  Maci, sitting there smiling at us. I smiled at her, and we both waved to each other. 

Niall looked behind him to see nobody, but it doesn't matter that he can't see her, he already knew who it was. He smiled at me and waved at her, even though he couldn't see her. He knew that she made me happy. I always wanted a sister, and even though she was in heaven now, she's still my sister. All of a sudden all my friends, and Liam busted through the door, grinning ear to ear at me. 

Everyone just hugged me tight, and I was caught up in a huge hug. As soon as we were all done hugging, they all sat down, and asked me the same question, oddly enough at the same time too. "So, what happened?" I explained every last detail to them. We were all in tears by the time I got to the end of the in between part. They apologized that I had to go through that, and Brianna looked anxious through it all. 

I looked at her and called her over. "Brianna, you look anxious, why?" She sighed and looked at me. "Violet, we got robbed, they took a lot, but I have to ask you. Are you wearing the matching necklace that you and Liam have? I pulled it out of the front of my robe and smiled nodding my head. "I NEVER leave without it on. I can't stand not having it on, and yes I have my charm bracelet on. Wait! Brianna! Did they find the stash!" Her eyes widened. I guess she forgot to check if our stash of extra money was gone or not.

I sighed and shook my head. But then I smiled up at her knowing that she has to be happy, considering her birthday is coming up soon. I already know what Liam got her too. He brought it in when I was still in spirit form, and showed everyone when  Brianna wasn't in the room at the time. Then he brought it to his dorm just so she couldn't see it yet. She's going to love the present!! It's the cutest thing ever!!

Time went by really quick, and it was already time for me to go home. I was wearing comfy clothes, Niall's sweatpants and sweatshirt with a pair of uggs on. I was extremely warm now, and ready to go home. Eventhough I was ready to go home my arms hurt right now, the cuts split open again. So the doctor wrapped them in fresh gauze, and he said to repeat the process every day. Once in the morning when I wake up, and once before I  go to bed. 

It keeps the cuts clean, and stops them from splitting open again. I'd rather them NOT split open again, that stuff hurts like crazy. Plus all the gauze around my arm looks kinda cool, but I do not plan on wearing short sleeved shirts any time soon, it's cold outside anyway. So whatever, I can live with long sleeved things, well, unless it's a dress. But I won't wear a dress unless I'm going on a date with Niall. Which, we probably won't any time this week.

The doctor said we have to come back in 2 weeks so he can check on my arms, and see if they're doing well. If they're completely healed I can stop putting the guaze on, but if not then another week of gauze wrapped arms. When I got escorted out of the hospital I jumped out of the wheelchair and hugged Louis tight. I mean he is the one who signed me out of the hospital, so why not thank him for that. 

He smiled at me and hugged me back in that fatherly way that makes you feel safe. Then he said. "No problem Vi. I mean I am now your legal guardian, so I kind of had to get you out anyway." I scoffed at him and laughed, then said playfully. "So if you hadn't become my legal guardian you wouldn't have gotten me out!" And he laughed at me and shook his head. "Nah, I would've gotten you out. I can't live without you that long, you're too awesome."

I laughed. "Thanks Lou." He nodded his head happily and shooed me into the car. We all piled in, and mind this. We have a small car. So there were people on people's laps, and we may have sorta kicked Harry and Liam out and made them walk. Oops.

 This car only had 5 seats, counting the front 2. So here's how it went. Louis is driving, Eleanor sat in the front with Brianna in her lap. Then in the back Zayn had Perrie in his lap, Cameron sat in the middle. And then Niall had me on his lap. Poor Harry and Liam, having to run home. Oh well Liam needed a run anyway, he was getting a bit flabby anyway. 

When we got home we all cheered and jumped out of the car. It was getting stuffy, and hot in there. I looked back and saw Liam and Harry running up a little bit red in the face, and their breaths puffing. I giggled at Liam's face. It was cold out here, and his cheeks were a rosy red. I knew that meant he was cold. 

"Don't... Ever.... Make.... Us.... Run... Again!" Harry and Liam said trying to catch their breath. I giggled at them, and we all went inside. I looked around and saw all the missing things I sighed, then went to check the little part in my closet where the stash is supposed to be. It was still there, all 2,000 pounds. (May I remind you this is England, so it is Pounds not Dollars)

I went back into the living room and nodded my head. "Don't worry girls, it's still there. All of it." They sighed and wiped their foreheads. "Good!" They all three said at the same time. I smiled at them all and we all hopped onto the couch cuddling up to our lovebugs. I smiled up at Niall and kissed his lips softly. "By the way, happy anniversery Nialler." He smiled at me and nodded his head knowing that I forgave him. I looked over at everyone else to see that they were either sucking faces, or sleeping. So Niall and I cuddled up and fell asleep. This is a good day, eventhough my arms hurt still. 


Sorry it took so long to update! Ahh I had writer's block! And I had so much to do! I'm sorry! Forgive me please!! Alright, til next time. Bye loves! ~Mina<3 

The Prince With A Lonely Heart *A Niall Horan Fan Fiction* ~Being rewritten~Where stories live. Discover now