Chappie 7: Truth or Dare

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Hey guys I know on the cast list it says Harry, and Zayn are in the story, and they are but they'll be coming in sooner or later. One sooner than the rest. You'll see NO MORE HINTS NOW READ!



Niall's POV

I really do hope that this goes according to the plan. Liam and I were strolling to Vi's dorm along with our new roomate, his name is Harry. Since we all have nicknames for everyone we decided that we were going to call him Hazza. I really think that Cam will like Hazza, but you never know. They are both HUGE flirts, so who knows they may be the perfect match. 

Violet's POV

I just got done eating, and my plate was so clean that I could see myself in it. Soon someone was knocking on the door. I was going to shout that it was open, but since it's night time and I'm currently in the living room alone I decided that I'd rather not yell and let my murderer in.

When I opened the door I saw two of my most favorite people, and a guy with really curly hair? Okay then, hmm maybe I could get  him with Cam, she really needs someone. "Hey LiLi, Nialler, and Curly?" I said full of energy.

The curly dude chuckled, hmm he had a deep voice. Nice accent too. Yeah, Cam is gonna like him. "The name's Harry, but Blondie and Big Shot over here been callin me Hazza." I laughed at the nicknames he called Niall and Liam.

"Blondie and Big Shot eh? I could get used to that." I laughed again. "And who do I owe this pleasure to?" I raised my eyebrow at his fancy words. He raised his hand up and was about to shake my hand but I pulled him into a hug.

"The name's Violet, you can call me Vi. I'm Big Shot's twin, and there's no need to be all fancy. If you keep being fancy I'm going to have to chop your head off."

Liam, Niall, and I busted out laughing. Hazza looked a bit shocked, but then he got that I was kidding. "Oh thank god I thought I was going to have to hold up that fancy shit FOREVER."

I laughed some more. Brianna and Cameron came down to see what all the laughing was about. "What's with all the lau- Oh well hello curly! My name is Cameron, and your's must be Mr. Hottie!"

I busted out laughing along with Niall, Liam, and even Harry let out a little chuckle, but Brianna looked a bit shocked. "Yo, Bri, you okay? I think we broke her guys." Harry looked shocked too. Brianna spit out some words finally.

"Oh- My- God- HAZZA!!!" He broke out into a giant grin and ran towards Bri engulfing her into a giant hug. I looked around, and Liam Niall and Cam looked just as confused as I felt.

"Hey guys, are we missing something here?" Harry and Bri got out of their hug, and they both had happy tears falling down their face. Harry finally said this, and it really shocked us all. "Guys, Bri is my older sister." 

(Mid story A/N: In this story Harry is 16, and Brianna is 17)

Cameron looked so relieved, yep she likes him already. "Alright guys enough of the hug fest. Let's play TRUTH OR DARE!!!!!" I said fairly loud, but what can I say I'm hyper. To make it even worse I had a jumbo bag of Skittles, and yes I did plan to eat them ALL! Meh, I'll most likely have to share with Niall anyways.

We all sat in a circle, and started the game with me.  Our only rule is that we have to use each other's nicknames when we use names, so LiLi for Liam, Vi for me, Cam for Cameron, Hazza for Harry, Bri for Brianna, and Nialler for Niall.

"Okay, LiLi Truth or Dare?" I said full of excitement, popping a skittle into my mouth.


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