Chappie 16: The In Between

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In case you couldn't tell already this is gonna be a chapter from Violet passing out, to whatever happens from there. Enjoy!


Violet's POV

Finally after trying to call for someone I just gave up. I'm gonna die, and that's all I need to know. But all of a sudden before giving up I heard a faint voice, and some sirens. Maybe that's for me, but there's that possibility that it's not for me. The last thing I heard clearly enough before passing out for reals was "Mr. Horan, would you like to ride in the ambulence?" I also heard someone crying, and more muffled words. 

Finally everything just went black. After what felt like forever I saw a little white light, and I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. So naturally I walked to the light. It got even brighter, then all of a sudden a person appeared. But not just any person, a little girl who was about 7, but it was one I don't recall meeting. 

"Who are you?" I questioned, but it came out louder than I thought it would, and a bit ruder too. I looked everywhere and realized the scars, the cuts, everything was gone. I was flawless. "You don't remember?" She said quietly, but sweetly too. I shook my head a little, but then I really looked at her, and I realized she looked a lot like me, but younger. "I'm your guardian angel, my name is Maci." 

I looked at her and smiled a little, but my smile faultered. "Wait, am I dead? Am I in heaven?" I said looking around at the plain white place. She shook her head. "No Violet, you're not. You're right between heaven and earth. You have the option to return to earth, and go back to your life, or go to heaven." 

I looked around. "You do not have to choose now, I can show you some things to help you decide where your fate lies." I looked at her confused. "What do you mean you can show me things?" She smiled a little and motioned for me to come towards her. I then crouched down to her level and listened closely. "I'm going to show you the future of the people that you care dearly about, and then I'll show you how they are right now. After that you may then decide your fate. Most times you don't decide your fate, but you and me both know it's not time to go yet."

She said that as if she already knew what was going to happen, but she's my guardian angel, so, maybe she does. Maci grabbed my hand, and all of a sudden I found us in front of a place that I didn't recognize. "Where are we?" I said confused. Then Maci looked at me, and she said. "Do you really not know, this is your school. Or what's left of it. When you died teachers freaked, and started leaving. Eventually nobody was left, and it got abandoned."

I gasped, and covered my eyes. "Please, please Maci, just move on. I loved this school, just please get me away from this." She nodded her head and obeyed my request, and I found us in Lou and El's house, I'd been here before considering on holiday I had nowhere else to go, and Lou offered to take us in whenever summer, and holiday came around. All of a sudden I saw Zayn, Perrie, Lou, and El all sitting together with tears falling down their face. 

All of a sudden Louis spoke up, he said. "I can't believe they've been gone a year. A year without Violet, and a year without..." But that's where he stopped. I started to panic a little, and I looked over to Maci. "After you passed away Eleanor and Louis took Zayn and Perrie in because they couldn't be alone anymore. They all four went into a small depression, and stopped eating. But eventually they all started going back to normal life. But then ... passed away too, and everything went downhill."

There goes the space again. I want to know who else died, and how they died! "Maci take me to the next people, or person. I can't stand to watch this any more. Please, let's just go." She nodded her head slightly with a sad look on her face. Then off we went to see another person's fate.

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