Chappie 8: Nialler just asked me out! Yes!

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Hey guys, sorry if the last chappie was a bit innapropriate, but that's just how I imagine Truth or Dare for older kids.

Enjoy this chappie



Niall's POV

"Hey Vi can I ask you something?" I said quietly

"Sure Nialler, you know you can ask me anything." Her key word there was anything, so I hope that she would say yes to this.

"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" She looked a bit shocked, but her shocked expression turned into excitement. "Of course I would like to go on a date with you. I thought you would never ask!" she exclaimed.

I could tell that someone would be running in here soon to see what the yelling was about, and I was right. As I was thinking that, Liam and Brianna ran in the room. Bri was holding a baseball bat, and LiLi was holding a, magazine? "What happened here! Who yelled. Why are you yelling at 2 in the morning!?!?"

Woah, it was 2 in the morning already. Man, Vi and I really are night people after all. Violet and I busted out laughing at the sight of her twin trying to be protective with a magazine.

"What! Why are you guys laughing now!!! You both could've been getting jumped for all I know, or maybe we were getting robbed!" I was laughing so hard that I was turning red, and Violet could say the same for herself too.

"You *laugh* Were going to *laugh* Protect us *laugh*  With a magazine!" I busted out laughing after saying this. Liam blushed and looked down at his magazine. "Well, sorry that my girlfrie- I- I mean best friend took the bat from the room, as she was trying to protect you two too."

I smirked and raised my eyebrow at Liam, and Violet busted out in a squeal before screaming "Omg!!! Bri!!!! HE ASKED YOU OUT OMG!!!!" She jumped around Brianna and Liam squealing. "Omg LiLi, you finally got the guts to ask out Bri, I'm proud to call you my brother."

Violet wrapped the new couple in a big hug. I was glad I asked Vi on a date because, I was planning something. This something will be big, and I really hope Violet will love this, but knowing Violet she'll most likely love it.

I smiled walked up to Liam, gave him a pat on the back, hugged Brianna, and congratulated the new couple. The couple thanked us gave us both quick hugs and walked away holding hands. I know that that couple will be me and Violet soon, but soon just couldn't come fast enough.

Violet's POV

I was completely ecstatic. When I let out the squeal for Brianna and Liam it was half for them, the other half was for Niall asking me out. I was so full of energy after, but it was about three in the morning so I decided that I'd better head to bed. Don't want dark circles on my first date, yes I just said my first date. This is my very first date, I've never been on one before. Sure, I've had boyfriends before, but none of them ever took me out on dates.

They more kept me hidden, because apparantly they couldn't be seen with Liam Payne's sister. It's whatever though, before darkness took over I was thinking about what would happen tomorrow. I was finally drifting off into sleepland when I swore I heard Niall say, "I love you Violet, more than you'll ever know. I know you can't hear me right now, but I really hope our date day hurries up. I really hopes it goes as I want it to."

Right before I drifted to sleep I thought to myself I love you too Nialler, and I can hear you. I don't know what you're planning, but whatever it is I really hope it goes well too. Then the darkness overcame me, and I was finally sleeping peacefully for the night. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Morning (Couple hours later considering it was 3am) Still Violet's POV~~~~~~

I woke up very rudely to hearing two girls squealing, and very loudly I may say. A very loud groan came out of the back of my throat, and I finally sat up glaring at my two best friends who were squealing, and jumping on my bed. I looked over at the clock, and it was 7am. Only four hours of sleep? Oh, No, NOBODY WAKES ME UP THIS EARLY!!!!! NOBODY!

"What the hell are you two squealing about this early in the morning gosh!" They were just about to tell me, but then we heard a thump. I glared over at the door, and put one finger up signalling them to hold on a second. I suddenly opened the door yelling "BOO!" Just then the three boys fell on the ground and screamed, and man were they girly screams! I giggled to myself, man this day couldn't get any better.


Hello my little Nandos-Turtlecorns. I'm sorry it took me so long to update, I had to figure some things out. Oh, also the next chapter should be up later tonight or tomorrow. I might not update much because, I have a lot going on with school right now. So, thanks for reading guys, and

Stay Lovely


The Prince With A Lonely Heart *A Niall Horan Fan Fiction* ~Being rewritten~Where stories live. Discover now