Chappie 11: Cameron's Date With Harry

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Oooh, another date :P

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback to the date~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Harry's POV

Man, a lot has happened in the last two days since I came to this school. First I find out that I'm at the same school as my sister, then I find a girl who I may be falling for, and now I have a date with her too. Turns out she likes me too, but I wonder, does she know how much I like her? Is this all a joke for her? Does she really like me back? Oh well, I'll just have to find out later, and it may be too soon to tell her I love her, so, I'll just, keep it to myself. The date's in ten minutes, if this works out well then I'll have a girlfriend by the end of the night.

Cameron's POV

Oh man, I'm freaking out! The date is in twenty minutes, and I have no clue what I'm going to wear, my hair's not done, and I have no makeup on OH MI GOSH!!! After my mini freakout I walked out of my bathroom to find my favorite pink and white striped dress laid out with some cream colored flats. My curling iron, and some shimmery eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara, and some pink lipstick (the kind that doesn't come off easy). There was also a note on my bed. It said,


Knowing that you take forever in the shower, and you wouldn't know what to wear I set it all out for you. For jewlery wear your favorite silver rose earrings, your favorite mood ring, and that necklace you wear all the time. Now, stop reading this note and hurry up and get ready for your date! Have fun, but not too much fun! ;)

Love your awesome BFF Bri xx

I mentally facepalmed at her note, just then I looked at the clock, and there was only fifteen minutes left until the date. I have to get busy now if I don't want to be late. I hurried up and threw my dress, shoes, and jewlery. Then I put some of the eyeshadow on, along with two coats of mascara, eyeliner on my waterline, and finally the pink lipstick. I checked the time, and I had ten minutes to curl my hair.

Hmm, getting dressed and putting my makeup on took a lot less time than I thought. My hair was finally curled, and I still had five minutes until five, hmmm what shall I do for those five minutes. Got it! I'll just dance around like an idiot for five minutes, pshh nobody will judge me. I ran out into the living room and started playing Just Give me a Reason by Pink. Just then I started dancing like an idiot, and then I started singing the worst I could. Don't judge me, it's funny when I sing horridly. 

"Haha, well that's very attractive Cam." I froze right then and there, and turned around to see Harry standing there watching me. I gasped and covered my mouth. "Oh  my gosh, HARRY! How long have you been standing there watching me???!!??"

He smirked and said, "Well, I've been here long enough to see your... wonderful dance moves, and to hear you sing funny." I busted out laughing, and he looked at me confused. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry that must've been horrid for you to watch!" He laughed along with me. "Oh no, don't worry. It's nice that you know how to let go and have some fun, not caring if someone may see you." He smiled, and our laughing died down.

"So, where are we going on the date?" Harry smirked at me, and did the 'I'm not telling you' motion. I sighed and followed him out. Apparantly we were walking because he didn't go to his car. Just now I noticed he looked fancy, but casual at the same time. He was wearing a white button up shirt with black shorts? Oh well, wherever we're going good thing I'm wearing a short dress.

Where were we going is what I really wanted to know though. I also noticed he had a fairly large picnic basket in his hands, how did I miss that before? Okay I'm talking to myself too much. Harry put a blindfold over my eyes, and grabbed my hand so I wouldn't get lost.

The Prince With A Lonely Heart *A Niall Horan Fan Fiction* ~Being rewritten~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें