Part 6

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As the night goes on it gets a little to crowded so I move outside to get some air. I walk along the beach and watch the waves in the moonlight. “Kinda cold out here,” I hear someone say. I tune around in fear until I am met with the blue eyes of Alex. I smile a little, “Yeah just a little,” I say. He walks over, well more like stumbles, “How about we go up to my room, and we can warm up a little,” He says wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I instantly smell the alcohol on his breath and shrug his arm off me, “No, I think im just going to find Lena and head home,” I say grabbing my shoes from the sand and backing up to leave. He grabs my wrist a little to tight, “But the party just started,” he says pulling me closer. I put my hands on his chest to stop him from getting closer, “Yeah, but im tired and want to rest,” I say trying not to freak out. He smiles, “Like I said, we can rest in my room,” He twirls the end of my hair in his finger. I push him a little, “I'm leaving,” I say turning to walk away but her pulls me into his chest and walks over to the docks. “Their, now theirs nobody to bother you and we can have our own fun,” He says kissing my neck. His grip on my arms is to tight to get out of. Tears start flowing from my eyes, “Alex stop,” I say struggling to get free. He doesn't stop, instead his hands start to travel toward the bottom of my dress. “Alex,” I beg. Just as he goes to pull it up something stops him. I open my eyes and see Austin has a tight grip on Alex's hand. “She said stop,” He says through his teeth. Alex lets go of me and I move behind Austin hugging him from behind as tears pour down my face. I feel him shaking with anger. Alex smirks, “Austin, man. You know how it is. We were just having some fun,” he says. I bury my face in Austins shirt. “That's fun to you, not to her. When a girl say stop, you better fucking stop,” he says getting more pissed as they talk. “Come on man, I know she is your girl and all, but you have to share,” He says a little mad. Austin's body tenses, “She isn't fucking property,” He says stepping forward. I hold on tight and he drags me forward to until he realizes I am not letting go. “Austin, I just wanna leave,” I whisper through tears. He looks down at me and when he looks up Alex nails him in the jaw. Austin stumbles back making me go back with him. Then he helps me gain balance and turns toward Alex. I grab onto him again, “Austin please don't” I beg him. His whole body is shaking, “Wrong fucking move Cross,” He says pushing me away alittle and punching Alex in the nose. Alex shouts in pain as blood pours from his nose. He then laughs, “winner gets little miss Stevens over there,” he says. Austin loses it and tackles him and they are in a full blown fight now.

The fight went on for at least ten minutes until Lena walked out and got some boys to break it up. “Fuck you Parker,” Alex shouted. Austin wiped his lip and looked at me, “This is why you don't come to parties,” he says walking away. Lena wrapped her arms around me and we followed him. Once we got to his car he drove us home. When we parked it was silent in the car. Lena got out and left us to talk. “Austin--” he cut me off, “What were you thinking? There is a reason we keep you away from parties, do you realize that every damn boy in the school wants you,” he shouts hitting the dashboard making me jump. “It was Lena's idea wasn't it? She should have never taken you there,” he says slamming the door. I just sit there as tears flow down my face again. He was scaring me and I was already freaked out by what just happened at the party. I watched Austin pace a little before getting out of the car. He turns toward me with anger, “You're so stupid,” he shouts. “Austin!” Lena shouts from the door where she is standing. Austin freezes when he realized what he said. Lena walks over to where we are and looks between us, “Austin really, it was my idea---,” I cut her off. “No, it was my idea, because for once I wanted to do something without you guys. I was wrong, I should have listened to you guys. I'm just a stupid idiot who acts like a complete bitch,” I shout pushing past him and into the house. “Hey what-” Ryder doesn't finish because I push past him.

Once I got to my room I locked the door and laid on my bed. I should have known going to that party was a bad idea. Im so stupid. I must have fallen asleep a little but I still heard the door being unlocked and voices. “You didn't need to freak out on her,” Lena's voice whispered. “What even happened? I mean your pretty banged up? Where were you girls and what went down?” Ryder asked. I hear a sigh and assume it was Austin. “Well, Alex invited Court to his party and she didn't want to go, but I maybe sorta convinced her it would be a good time,” she started. “A good time? That ass forced himself on her,” Austin said in a loud whisper. “He what?” Ryder all but shouted. I hear someone slap him and then shh him. “Yeah, I lost her at the party and then I heard there was a fight out back and it was Austin and Alex,” she said. I decided to roll over still with my eyes closed and face them. I heard someone whisper something and then the door closed. I sat up and sigh, “wait to go Courtney,” I said to myself.

The next day I didn't leave my room. I just sat on my bed with the covers over me looking at the ceiling. “Knock, knock,” Lena said from the door walking in. I sigh and don't even look at her. She sits down, “Come on Court, you have to leave your room at some point,” she begs. I shake my head. “Fine, you leave me no choice,” She leaves the room and I freak out. I get up and walk out of the room after her. We walk tot he living room where it is empty. “See, no one's in here, lets watch a movie or something,” she says as I sit down. She picks out, her favorite 'The vow' and we watch it. Half way through the boys walk in and over to us. “Look who finally got out,” Aiden says going to sit down. I scoot away. Whoa, was I really afraid of guys after what happened. Aiden looked hurt but they understood because Ryder looked at me with a sad look, “you want to talk about it?” he asked. I shake my head, “Where's Austin?” I asked. All the boys look toward Cayden. “Well, he kinda went to stay at our house alone. He wanted time to think and clear his mind,” he says. I sigh, “he hates me,” I whisper. “No, he doens't hate you,” Jason adds on, “He just needs space,” He says.

A few days later we were all back at our own homes with our families. And it was Monday so we had school. “Hey mom, can I get a ride to school?” I asked setting Lizze down on the floor. She looks at me, “Yeah, but doesn't Austin bring you?” she asked grabbing her keys and Lizze. “Not today,” I say walking out. When we get to school I say bye to my mom and Lizze and walk inside. “Look, I heard she slept with Alex and Austin in one night, slut,” One of the girls said. “Who does she think she is?” another said. It kept getting worse from everyone I heard whispering. Then the queen bee herself stopped in by my locker, “Wow, so you bang Alex at his own party, then turn on him and Bang your best friend? You really are a freak Stevens,” she says. “And you're a dirty whore, now move,” Lena says linking her arm with mine. Stacy smiles, “Oh look, two sluts,” she says pushing me back against the locker. Lena shoved her back, “Watch it before I mess that pretty little face of yours up,” she threatens. Stacy smirks, “I would say the same, but it's to late for you,” she says. Lena goes to hit her but Alex grabs her arm. “Not a wise idea,” he warns letting her go. She backs up a little. Alex looks at me with a smirk and I back up to the locker. “Our night didn't go as planned did it,” he says walking closer. Lena just watched to shocked to do anything. I close my eyes as he is inches away and feel someone pull me into their side. I inhale a familiar sent and relax into the person. “Was my warning at the party not enough Cross?” Austin growled. Alex laughed, “I always get what I want, one way or another,” he says backing up. Austin chuckles a little, “Looks like this is one thing you won't ever have because you lay a finger on her and ill fucking kill you,” he says getting serious again. “I'm not afraid of you Parker,” Alex says stepping forward. That's when Ryder and the other boys stepped up and surrounded us, “You're lucky I don't personally kick your ass right now,” Ryder warned. He was the second oldest and closest to me so you can imagine how pissed her was to hear what happened. Alex back up a little. “Courtney is fucking off limits,” Austin shouts to everyone. “And for you Cross, your ass is mine if I hear you touched her again,” Austin says in a deadly tone. Alex pulls Stacy to his side and walks away.

Once the crowd cleans up Austin looks at me and walks away without a single word. I slam my locker, “Austin!” I shout but he keeps walking. “Don't worry, he just needs time,” Ryder says going to put his arm on me. I move away and walk with Lena to class. “Austin will come around Court,” Lena says. I stop dead in my tracks, “I don't even care anymore. I don't need him or anyone to help me. I can take care of myself,” I shout walking out of the school to the soccer field. I grab a ball and start shooting it. “I don't fucking need anyone to tell me what to do? Who to talk to? Or protect me?” I shout as I kick the ball again and again. I hit the post and it comes back and hits me in the leg, “And I sure as hell don't need Austin,” I say out of anger as I sink to the ground. I hear clapping and my head snaps up. Just great, just freaking awesome. Stacy and her friends start walking over. I stand up and hold the ball to my side. “Don't need Austin hum?” Stacy says. I watch carefully as her friends circle me. “What's wrong? Your little friend finally realize how worthless you are?” she says with a smirk. I don't say anything I just watch her. “Well, I don't really like your friends starting crap with my boyfriend,” she snaps hitting the ball out of my hand. I step back only to be pushed forward by her friend. “So I think we need to get a point across now,” she says shoving me to the ground. That's when crap got real. She jumped on me and started throwing punches. By the time she was finished and her friends I felt like I was hit by a truck. “Now, tell your freaks to stay off my boy,” she says walking away with her friends.  

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