It's been an hour and we are still sitting here, only now we have a fire going. I am sitting between Austin and Avery. “Alright, who ate the last marshmallow?” I shouted. They all pointed to Cayden. I glared at him, “That was mine,” I say balling my hands up. Ryder leans over closer to Cayden and whispers, “Don't move, she can smell fear,” he says holding back a laugh. I slowly lean forward and he gets up to his feet, “Damn, I didn't mean to, I was hungry,” he shouts making us all laugh. “what's so funny out here?” Austin and Caydens dad says leaning on the fence. “Uncle Chris,” I shout running over and hugging him. He isn't really my uncle but close enough I just call him that. He has been away on a trip for a few weeks and I haven't seen him. “Hey Court, how are you? Hope you've been keeping these idiots in line,” He says with one arm around my shoulders looking at the boys. They all flip him off making him laugh. “How was your trip dad?” Cayden asked. Chris shrugs, “Alright, I guess it was a waste since your mother got sick half way,” he says. Austin got up, “Mom's sick?” he asked. Chris nods, “Yeah, but nothing to serious, just a flu or something I think,” He says. Austin relaxes a little, “Alright,” he says. I smile, “Did you bring us back anything?” I ask. He looks down at me, “Well no dip,” he teases pulling me along. The boys all run along to follow us.

We all walked next door where they lived and went inside. “There's my boys.... and my other boys and girl,” She says noticing us all. We all group hug her and she laughs. “Miss you mom,” Austin said. Yup, Austin was a mommas boy. It was actually kinda cute the way he loved his mom so much. “Let me guess, your father told you there was presents?” she said kissing Chris on the cheek. We all nod and sit in the living room. Chris comes in with Becca carrying bags. “Well, I picked out your gift Courtney,” She says sitting next to me and handing me a bag. I slowly open it only to find the most beautiful bracelet ever. “Holy crap!” I shout with a huge grin. “Do you like it?” she asked me. I nodded, “I LOVE it aunt Becca, thank you so much,” I say putting it on. Next all the boys opened theirs. After we were done most of the boys went home. All that was left was Cayden and Austin of course and me. “Well, Your dad called and said you're mom is stuck at work for the night and he is out on a work trip until late, so you are welcome to stay here court,” Chris says as him and Becca walk upstairs. “Alright, thanks,” I say. They say goodnight to Austin and Cayden and head to bed. Austin's room is in the basement and that's where I usually stay. Cayden has a room on the main floor and he is already asleep on the couch. “Let's go,” Austin says pulling me downstairs. Their basement is amazing, a game area, big screen TV, an actual small kitchen and every game system imaginable. We walk a little ways down a hallway and get to Austins room. I run and jump on his bed. It was huge and I loved how soft it was. I lay so my head is prompted on my elbows, “So, what are we going to do now?” I say in a bored tone. He shakes his head with a smile and lays next to me, “Well, I don't know. We can just talk, haven't talked just the two of us in awhile,” He says softly. I frown a little, Austin is the only one who actually knows the most about me in our group. I look down, “I don't know,” I whisper. He nudges me with his shoulder, “Come on, you know keeping it bottled in is a bad thing,” he says. With a heavy sigh I flip so I am facing the ceiling and he does the same, “Well, I blew up on my mom today,” I say. He snaps up, “You what?” he says. I would be shocked to, I never get mad at my parents. “Yeah, she kept pushing to know why I was coming home and it ended in mean telling her about everything that goes on at school when you boys aren't with me,” I whisper again holding back tears. Austin pulls me to a sitting position and wipes away a tear with his thumb, “Court, I told you that if anyone bothers you to tell me. Who is it?” he asked. I shake my head, “Doesn't matter anyways,” I say. He gets a pain look on his face, “It matters to me, to the boys. Just tell me who it is and ill take care of it,” he says. I look at him, “What are you going to do, tell the whole school to stop talking to me.... Ever since the accident they hate me, and blame me. Hell I know it was my fault I don---” he cuts me off, “It wasn't your fault Courtney. Alright, it wasn't anyone's fault but Crystals, she chose to drive that night after we all warned her not too, you being in the car with her doesn't make it your fault,” he says pulling me into his embrace as tears flood my face. I hold onto him as memories of that night flash back,


Ryder laughs as we all walk out of the party. It was the last day of summer party and everyone whose anyone was there. Of course there was drinks, but the boys and I didn't drink, only Crystal Russo did. “Crystal slow down,” Aiden shouts. Crystal laughs and loops her arm with mine, “Come on , I wanna go to the secret sport in the woods,” She says. I shake my head, “That's a long walk,” I say not really up to about a 20 minute walk. Austin laughs, “Yeah Crystal, you need to get home anyways before your sister finds out you are drunk off your ass,” He says making the boys laugh. Crystal sticks her tongue out like a child, “For your information, I am driving,” She shouts taking Ryders car keys from his hands and running to the car. We all yell and run after her to stop. When she gets to the car she gets in and locks it while we try getting in. “Come on Crystal, you're drunk,” Cayden shouts at her. She smiles and shakes her head and yells back, “Am not,” She drives forward and I run along with her, “Crystal let me in,” I say. She gives in and unlocks and I jump in hoping to talk some since into her. “Crystal, you're gonna get arrested for a DUI, now come on, let's find Lena and go home,” I say trying to take the keys but she takes off fast. I put the seat belt on and hold onto the seat, “Crystal slow down,” I say in fear as she weaves between cars. I look back and see the boys running after us. When I turn back a truck pulled out in front of us and we hit it and the car rolled. All I hear is my own screams and Crystals before everything goes black.


I swallow back more tears and I hold Austin closer, “I should have stopped her,” I said between sobs. Austin pulls me back and moves hair out of my face, “Look at me,” he says cupping my cheeks and making me look, “You tried, you did everything you could. There was no way to know it would happen, but it isn't your fault. No matter what the kids at school tell you, it isn't alright,” He says in a serious tone. I shake my head, “I should have been looking forward. I could have told her the truck was coming,” I say pushing away from him and sitting up again. He gets up off the bed and walks over to his dresser and pulls out a book and walks over and hands it to me, “Crystal loved you, she knows it wasnt you, Lena is one of your best friends, she loves you,” he says as I open the book. It's a scrapbook of all of us growing up. Lena and Crystal lived next to Austin and I. That's how we all met, when we were in third grade we were all playing in the street and they wanted to join us. Crystal and I clicked right away and then Lena followed. I look over the pictures and come across one of Crystal and I at soccer practice three years back. Her and I were the star players, she was captain and I was co captain. Our team was undefeated two years in a row. I smile, “Who took this?” I say running my fingers over it. Austin smiles at it, “Lena did, she said that she never wanted to forget about you and Crystal. She said that you made her life better and helped her through a lot,” he whispered. I paused and looked up. Lena and Crystal had a bad life, their parents were abusive and I always let them stay with me. MY parents never knew why they always were over but I did, and I was glad they trusted me. I smile through tears, “Thank you Austin,” I say hugging him as we both lay down.

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