Beanies and Flannels

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Hi, my name is Alex. I'm a 16 year old awkward mess and I live in America with my parents. There is really nothing special about me, apart from the facts that I'm very manly and I like to wear flannels with beanies. I'm not a huge fan of the outdoors but on occasion, when I'm annoyed at my parents, I'll take a walk along the pier. Today was one of those days. I had gotten annoyed at my parents for the exact same reason as I always did. They needed me to learn to become an adult. They wanted a daughter to be proud of and obviously I wasn't good enough. But thanks to my parents, I met the best person in the universe.

I walked down the pier kicking rocks angrily when I heard something. I heard footsteps. I lifted my head up to see someone with shoulder length, blue hair, wearing a beanie and a flannel. We were practically twins. I looked for a while waiting for her to turn and look at me. I wanted to see her face. In the end I stared for longer than I meant to. "It's rude to stare you know." I shook my head and stuttered "oh, s-sorry I didn't mean to er stare I was just uh-" but she saved me. She extended her fist and said "I'm Hannah, but a lot of my friends call me Han." I looked at her face for a little longer, admiring her septum piercing, before fist-bumping her hand. I didn't know much about her, but she was definetely my type.

We ended up walking together and I opened up to her. Of course I was shy, but I got more and more comfortable with every step. I told her why I was there and what my name as well as some of my hobbies. I blushed when I realized I hadn't asked her a single thing. "Oh sorry, so, what are you like?" I asked. She chuckled and said "well, I like beanies and flannels, Fall Out Boy, I am too annoying for my own good and my hair rarely stays the same colour for more than a month." I felt as if she just became better and better as she spoke. She was fairly short but she always seemed ready to fight. She was straightforward when she spoke and she seemed to always listen. "Hey, if you don't mind me asking, where do you live? And what school do you go to?" Her answer surprised me a little. She pulled out a cigarette, lit it and said "same school as you. I've seen you there. And I live down the street that way" she said pointing down a street whilst puffing on her cigarette. "Want one?" She asked puting the box near my stomach. I shook my head and said that I didn't smoke. I looked out on the horizon to see that it was quite late. I checked my phone and saw that it was eight o'clock. "Hey, I should get going. I don't want my parents to be angrier than they already are, see you." She chuckled, waved and walked of. She held her side as she walked and I admired her from behind before eventually leaving as well.

When I arrived home, I went straight to my room. I plugged in some earphones and listened to some Fall Out Boy. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It was actually quite good. I felt my phone vibrate and I recieved a text message from Hannah. "Heeeeeey doof. I stole ur phone for a bit to add my #..... Hope u dont mind. Lets meet up at school tomorrow at lunch..... See ya". I looked at the message and answered "k cant wait..... I dont mind btw just give me a heads up if ur gonna mug me again...... See ya". I put my phone down and did my homework and after what felt like an eternity of torture, I went to bed.

My dreams were filled with her beautiful, pale face and blue hair. I dreamt about kissing her. Wait, what?! I was falling for a girl I literally just met! But I couldn't complain. She was my type after all.

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