And The Snakes Start To Sing

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Harmony's P.O.V-

Reading Echo's journal, another one of the entries strikes me. 

                                                                                       November 3

                                                      I used to think my life would have been better                                                                                                                     if I had never lived at all, locked in a tower like                                                                                                                   Rapunzel.Safe from betrayal, hurt, pain Had I                                                                                                                     never loved, my heart could never have been                                                                                                                     broken. After all How do you die if you never                                                                                                                       lived? Now I realize that an empty life is no                                                                                                                           better than one filled with bitterness. I have                                                                                                                         died inside, now I feel nothing. I have what I                                                                                                                        wished for, but I still cry myself to sleep every                                                                                                                      night. It seems that some people aren't meant                                                                                                                  for a happy life. I guess I'm one of them. 

Again I wonder if this is my Echo, the one that never cried where people could see her, the strong one that was always there for everyone else. I can never remember any of us being there for her. She was never sad that I can remember, never surprised when life screwed her over. 

Maybe so many people had hurt her that she was used to it. That's not something you should ever be used to. Maybe that's what killed her.

Thinking of Echo's death, my mind wanders to Brandon. Talk about betrayal. I wonder if he ever misses her. I have an involuntary cringe attack. Sighing internally, I go over my day again. 

The whispers and stares that followed me like the plague. One girl was even brave enough to ask her how I didn't know about this, being her best friend and all. She asked me why I didn't help her, didn't save her. 

I'm wondering the same thing as I slide my hand under the pillow. A flash of silver glints in the moonlight; the blade I unscrewed from my pencil sharpener a few days ago. I got that trick from Echo, I guess. 

A tear glides down my cheek as I run the blade across my unmarked skin. I know the scars it leaves will never go away, but I can't stop. Echo cried without anyone to hear her, I deserve at least this for letting her slip away. 

Harmony, stop. 

My head snaps up, did I leave my door unlocked? No, no one's in the room but me. 

You can't start doing this to yourself. You do it once, and you're addicted. Stop now, don't let it ruin you. 

Am I going crazy? That sounds exactly like my best friend. But she's dead. . . 

"E-Echo? Is that you?" My hands are shaking, the razor falls from my fingertips.

I'm here. 

"But why are you only coming to me now?" 

Harmony, listen, I need to tell you something 


It wasn't your fault, there was no way you could have prevented my death. 

"I know I could have done something, if I had paid more attention, or-" 

You couldn't have done anything. I shouldn't of left you, not like this. I should've realized my reason to live, it was right in front of me

I start to cry as I comprehend the fact that she meant me. 

I'm fading, I can't stay. 

"No, we can't leave, there's still so many answers I need!" 

Sorry, bye 

"Echo," I scream, "Come back!" Silence settles on the room, she's gone. I crumple, dropping to the floor. I crawl onto my black and white comforter, curling into a ball on my bed. Still hoping she'll come back, I cry myself to sleep.

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