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-Harmonys P.O.V 

The bus ride to school was boring. Echo must've missed the bus or something because she's never sick and she didn't get on at her stop. Then again, neither did her brothers. Oh, well, she'll tell me later.

 At school, no one will look at me, and they're super quiet. Am I in trouble? I rack my brain trying to think what they could've caught me doing. I'm not a druggie, and I haven't skipped yet this year. I finally give up trying and head to homeroom. As I slide into my seat, Echo's next door neighbor walks up to me. 

"Harmony, I'm so sorry about Echo," Adam says. 

My heart rate speeds up, and I start to freak out, "What happened to Echo?" i practically scream, "Is she ok?" 

Adam opens his mouth to answer, but he gets cut off by the intercom. 

"Attention students," the intercom blares, "I'm afraid it is my duty to inform you of the terrible tragedy that took place last night. Echo Harper, friend and fellow student, is gone. She. . .commited suicide, last night. An investigation into bullying will be conducted. I am so very sorry that this happened, and grief counselors will be here all day if you need them."

I'm stunned. How could she? My breath catches in my throat, and I start to hyperventilate. The realization hits me. Echo, my best friend, is dead. She's just. . .gone. My hands are shaking and I can't breathe. The harsh fluorescent light blinds me, and the shocked silence screams in my ear. My eyes are bleeding, ears burning, and my heart stops. It's all to much, and my vision fades to black.

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