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Echo's P.O.V- 

There are so many parts to life that I miss. I miss music, I miss connection. I miss talking to someone and having them respond. Laughing, smiling, being able to touch each other. I want to talk to someone, anyone. I want to really talk to them, not just scream at them, knowing they can't hear me. I hope with all being to be able to cry. Without life. . .I have nothing. I am nothing. I know it won't work, but I try once again to get Harmony to hear me. 

"Harmony!" no response. 

"HARMONY!" she didn't even flinch. 

I give up, instead sobbing, "I miss you so bad. I was stupid and wrong. Please, just say something, ANYTHING! why can't you hear me?" I choke out. I thought death would be instant, that I would float up to heaven immediately. But there must be some reason I'm still here, unfinished business or something. I don't really know, but I really wish I did.

I look up and see Harmony crying. I reach over, to brush her tears away, before I remember that I can't. They fall straight through my pale transparent hand. I put everything I have into the words I'm thinking. I'm right here! She looks, up her piercing blue eyes glistening with tears , and I wonder for a second if she felt that. No, it's impossible, how could she? The energy I feel builds up, and it feels like it's overflowing. Harmony shivers, and I tone down my excitement, not wanting to scare her. She relaxes and I smile. Can I actually do stuff as a ghost? I don't want to scare Harmony, so I go to the dumping ground of people that love to hurt me: my house.

Going here was wrong. No one's home, it's as silent as a ghost town. I guess it is a ghost town now that I'm here. The silence is creeping me out, I'm drowning in my thoughts. I start to hyperventilate, and suddenly a memory flashes into my head. The world is tilting, and I'm sucked into the past.

"Echo?" Brandon smiles, reaching for my hand to help me up from where I've fallen. A rush of guilt plagues his lips, and I wonder what's wrong.

"I have to talk to you," he looks down, and I begin to get worried, "This. . .us. . .we aren't working out. I think we need time apart." 

The air escapes from my lungs in a strangled cry as he walks away. 

He turns, "I met someone. She's beautiful. Not that you're not or anything, she's just. . .better." At the end of his little speech, he strides away, right into the arms of a petite little blonde. I read his lips as he mouths, It's done.

Suddenly I can't breathe, I'm choking. He walked away and took the air with him. .

The memory fades and I'm back to reality. The overwhelming disbelief, misery, and rage from that day crash down around me. I'm lost in past regrets, painful scars, and endless tears. Electricity courses through me, making everything seem brighter. Then I realize, I'm not imagining it, the electric appliances and lights are flashing on and off. I've created a light storm. I'm feeding off the energy, and I know that I won't be able to stop myself now. I'm overtaken by the immense power, growing and growing until. . .


A fuse blew. And thank goodness for that, or I would have melted into the circuits. I'm shaking, scared of who I've become. But I can't keep consciousness for much longer; controlling the lights drained me. My brain is dimming and I fade into the inky black.

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