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Harmony's P.O.V.-

I'm in the middle of felling sorry for myself when I hear a knock on the door. 

"Yeah?" I open the door to find Echo's brother on the other side. I'm both surprised and excited, maybe he's going to tell me this was just a dumb prank. But even as I think this I know it's not true, the look in his eyes says it all. 

"Umm, h-hey." He stammers, anxiety creeping into his expression, "Echo left this. For you." 

He shoves a thick binder into my hands and walks away quickly, as if my very existence is a painful reminder of a girl lost to the world. 

"What is it?" I call after him. 

He turns to look at me, "I'm not sure, in the note it said only you were to read it." 

"The note?" She left a note?

"It's in there," He jerks his head at the binder, and is out of sight before  can ask him anything else. A flash of recognition shocks me. Could this be Echo's journal? She. . .she would never let anyone read it, not even me. I can't believe. . .wow.

I close the door and practically run to my room. The sweet, comforting scent of Echo's room floats off the pages as I take a deep breath and open the journal.

I gasp. The first page is stained with tears and, something darker, her blood? I flip through quickly and it seems every page has the same faded scarlet to it. Echo. . .why? 

I take out the suicide note, turning it over in my hands and unfolding it. There is a sticky note stuck to the front: 

If you're reading this, it means I'm dead. And Harmony don't you dare blame yourself! 

I laugh through my tears, it's nice to know that Echo is still Echo. 

I thought you might want to know why, so here

I carefully peel the sticky note off, revealing Echo's flowery hand-writing.

To Harmony:

First, I love you so much. I'm sorry to leave you right now, but you have to keep fighting
Never give in
 Don't stop holding on until there's nothing left to hold on to 
When that happens, I'll be waiting for you
I know I wasn't strong enough, but I have faith in you
If you ever miss me, talk out loud and imagine what I would say
Or talk to Jesus, he's always there
You saved me from so many things, but I'm sorry, you couldn't save me from myself
I love you, never forget that

To Society: 

This isn't a regular suicide note
No "good-bye cruel world" or anything
I was already dead
A ghost with a heartbeat
Just finishing the job
They may say "She had so much to live for" but not really
All I had were tear-stained eyes, scarred wrists, and a broken heart
Don't tell yourselves you could have saved me
It's too late for that
I am broken beyond repair
I got my birthday wish, I'm happy now
Don't blame anyone but me 

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