Chapter 34-Sera

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Well it was a few months before I was actually performing on stage. First I had to write a song. But before that I had been asked to record a song that would be featured in the Disney movie Brave, the song Touch the Sky which would be featured in the opening of the movie. The boys helped me practice every night till I could sing the whole song without sheet music, which didn't help me at all owing to the fact I couldn't read music.

Harry hit the play button on the recording of the music for the song "Take it away babe." he said

I paused listening to the opening of the song, it was rather pretty with a Scottish feel to it,

"When the cold wind is a-calling, and the sky is clear and bright.

Misty mountains sing and beckon, lead me out into the light.

I will ride,

I will fly, chase the wind and touch the sky.

I will fly, chase the wind and touch the sky. "

I paused once again to listen to the interlude. "Where dark woods hide secrets, and mountains are fierce and bold.

Deep waters hold reflections of times lost ago.

I will hear they're ev'ry story, take hold of my own dream.

Be as strong as the seas are stormy, and proud as an eagle's scream.

I will ride,

I will fly, chase the wind and touch the sky.

I will fly, chase the wind and touch the sky.

And touch the sky.

Chase the wind, chase the wind.

Touch the sky."

Harry stopped the recording " I think you're ready to record"


It was a few months after I recorded Touch the Sky, Me, Harry and the rest of the group were meeting up with Rue in America for my Aunt Linda's wedding something I couldn't miss. After all I was her dog sitter.

"Now watch out for Treva she will jump on you, believe me I have the scars to prove it." I was one of my aunt's bridesmaids along with Carly even her pets were in the wedding. Simon was the ring barer and Ciela was the flower cat (aunt Linda's friends daughters were holding them) Lexie was a bridesmaid as well as Brilee and Treva and little Molly. The lads offered be the girls escorts. My brother was escorting Molly. the wedding beautiful the girls and the kitties behaved perfectly until Ciela smacked Treva who cried but other than that they were perfect. After the wedding I was to dog sit the girls with the lads for the summer for my aunt and uncle. So we were heading to my family vacation home in the Adirondack mountains.

-----------End of Book One~Sera---------


Guess what we lives once more (or at least I do) as I write this I have 2 days 19 hours and 42 minutes(give or take) till I see 1D live. Btw I Sera wrote the whole chapter in less than a year.

~Sera Luna

My Life With One Direction (Niall Horan and Harry Styles)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora