Chapter 19-Carly

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The doctor nodded his head and I saw him left. After a while of freaking out I saw Niall follow by Bella and everyone else. "Niall! Bella!" And Niall kissed me deeply. "I thought I lost you two"

"How?" Bella asked when she hopped on my bed.

"You mean I was dreaming all of this?" Niall looked at me confused. "Someone explain what happen?"

"You jumped 10 steps off and you landed wrong and then you blacked out. You been in a coma for 3 hours. You were dead for 30 second too."

"Whoa whoa whoa! I was dead?" I said before he finished.

"But we got your heart working again. But I'm glad you're out of your coma now. I thought it would had been forever." he said taking my hand. I smiled at him. Bella then came closer and give me a soft hug. I felt some pain but I didn't care. The doctor return back.

"How are you feeling Carly?" she asked me. Thanks god it was a female. I never trusted males for some reason.

"I'm very painful."


"My chest, my head, my arm, and way more in my leg." She nodded and took notes.

"Because you broken this leg 4 times..."

"No this is my 3rd time?"

"You boyfriend told you broke it when you lived in Ireland."

"I did? I really don't remember that. Anyway, you can finish" Niall looked at me and grabbed my hand.

"You have two options. Either cut it off and live with one leg. The other is putting a long pin in your leg but disable leg. You may have to live with a brace on it and it does have side effect."

"Which are?"

"DIslocating leg/knee cap, and damage to bone to not walk at all." I gulped. "I will give you time to think about and talk about with them." Sera came up to me.

"I know you're deaf but why the hell you do that to me!" she said to me.

"Because I was living the dream! And I forgot about my leg!" and I pouted.

"Don't blame her. She never mean for this to happen. It just happen. I know that how it feel for me. Just don't blame her" he said. I gave a huge yawn. "Let just let her sleep. She had a long day." and he kissed me. Sera just looked at us in annoyed and left with Harry. I turned to my sister who still on my bed.

"Go with Louis. He'll take care of you." I said weakly. She nodded and went out with Louis. Now It was just Niall and I. I looked at him with a weak smile. "I love you"

"I love you too"

"When can I go home?"

"I think tomorrow"

"No UK home."

"You do want to go with us?"

"I have too. Since that dream I had. I can't be away from you. Not even for a week. 7 years is enough for me." I sighed and fell asleep.


I was awoken up with Niall by my side. He never lefted me. I then saw my mum. Great. She here to yelled at me about what I had done. I decided to try the pin. I was not walking around with one leg for the rest of my life and I love to move around -beside eating-. Niall looked at me. The surgery was going to be at home with my doctor. I don't wanna head home. I never want to see it again. Niall promise to stay with me. He wouldn't want to leave me behind again. Bella was heading to UK to visit Louis' family and then coming home later that week since school start next week. I wanted my sister to be by my side. But at least I have Sera and Niall. Harry wanted to stay but he couldn't. Poor Sera. Back to her bad mood.


"Niall! I'm not sure if I want to do this." I cried out for him when I'm about to be wheeled out for my surgery.

"You'll be fine babe." He kissed me. "I will be waiting for you and Ireland is waiting for you." And he made me smile

"Thanks Nialler" and I was wheeled out. I remember asking them that I can have a speical color cast. I asked for the Ireland flag color since I'm returning home next week.


Possible Cliffhanger? Sorry for doing that so much. I don't normally do that.

Anyway, next week is Spring break. But I'm going to be busy. Going to Hershey Park Friday thur Monday and our sister is coming to visit until Saturday. So you may not see any updates within the next week. But it is a long drive so I may type up mine. Maybe Sera but she have nothing to do except for the dogs. Lol. So beware about next week.


P.S. Bella was suppose to work on 18.5 but she haven't been on or in One Direction mode. She now with Marianas Trench right now so she can't even think of Louis right now. So there might be a random Chapter 18.5 at any givin time.

My Life With One Direction (Niall Horan and Harry Styles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora