Chapter 28.5-Isabella

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"Mum! I'm staying here no matter what!"

"No you already get to be with him all summer long. You will get your little ass over here!"

"No! I already moved in and started my online class! I don't care what you say! I'm staying! Good bye!" I hung up my phone. Then it started ringing again. "What!

"I will be there one of those days. You have one month. No ifs or buts. See ya again soon"

"No! I don't know who you are! Good bye!" hanging up again. "Why must she do this to me! I just don't understand this! She let me move here and now she want me home again!" I yelled out on the top my lungs. I threw my phone at the wall. That when Louis just came home and notice me.

"What just happen."

"Leave me alone!" I yelled and left the room. He started following me. "What did I just say! Leave me alone!" and went outside put my back against the wall.

"Your mum calling you" I look at him and handed me my phone. I groaned loudly.

"Leave now!" after I took my phone and he left. "What mum! I thought I just told you to leave me alone! Nothing will make me return back the America. I hate that place! Bye!" not wanting to talk to her. She called again and I didn't pick it up. She kept on calling and I turned my phone off. I threw it out into the grass and hope it rain.


For the next few days I was beinging quiet and angry. Louis didn't talk to me after what I did to him. I never meant it. Just mum wouldn't leave me alone. He also saved my phone but I told him not to turn it on. But he now know it something going on with mum and I. After online school was over I just crashed onto the couch. I was not to go talk to anyone. Even Louis getting worry about me.

"Hey Bell" was I heard. I turned and saw my sister closest friend.

"Go away!" Why can't people leave me alone! I just want my sister! Why can't she bring me with her to Ireland. I lived there too! I just wanted my sister. She know how to deal with mum. Sera could but she doesn't know the other side of her.


I waited by the window of my bedroom. There was two bedroom in our flat. I mostly go with Louis at night but I just love coming in my room. I have the best view. Reason why I was waiting at the window. Carly was coming back from Ireland and I wanted some sisters time. Plus I wanted to see her off the cast if she did. I saw a car pulling up. It looked like Niall's car and I saw Carly coming out. She went over to the driver side. I guess to finish up with Niall. She then went up to the door and she look up. I guess she saw me. I gave her a smile and a wave and went down to let her in.

"Why so happy?" Louis asked me.

"Carly home!" I cried out and let her in. When she came in she dropped her crushes and walked a little and hugged me. "I miss you! Come on to my room!" I went to grab her crushes and just before I went upstairs, "No sneaking up on us Tommo!" and went up stairs with Carly following.

"So what going on with mum. I talked to her and said nothing wrong."

"She want me out. She want me back in America"

"And I will not let her. I'm not going to let you get any kind of risk from her. You need to be here. I can't be here without my favorite sister. Not with mum around. I don't trust her at all. At least when dad and mum got devorce. Should we try to get our brothers into this? I mean they could stop her." I just stare at the window. "Bell, I'm trying to help you." She walk over to me and she sat on her good leg on the window with me. "Start talking to Lou. He missed you. Just block mum number so she doesn't sent death threat." I gave her a soft nod and gave her my messed up phone. "What you do to it?"

"Got mad?" She rolled her eyes and power on. As soon as she did mum called. She answered it anyway.

"Hello?" she said in my voice. We have so smiliar voice she easily sound like me. "Mum, it Carleen you know." She gave a smile. "Well I don't care about your plan. She staying here. I don't care of you like it or not. Good bye forever!" she hanged up and she blocked her number right away. "Wow, she have anger issue. But I'll call dad and the boys and try to stop her. Now, go back to the old Isabella that I miss" I was about to say something until she strangle me in a hug.

"Louis! Louis!" I cried out. Then I remember something. "SUPERMAN! HELP! HELP!" And he started running up.

"Somebody need help!?" He ran up to my sister and let her go.

"This is what I want from you too. Have fun. Not too much though" and she gave the stare to Louis. She went down the stairs and saw Niall was there.

"Thanks Boo Bear" and he lifted me up and kissed me. "Love you"

"I love you too" kissing me again. I felt free again.


Letting you all know that I wrote this myself. Let say we needed this out there and I couldn't wait for her to get on the computer. Plus she wouldn't get my idea.

Happy late birthday sis (Yesterday April 29th)


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