Chapter 15-Carly

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Rue was hiding behind Sera. This was mostly a family party from Sera's side. For all her life, she met her adopted parents' family. I looked at her and saw Sera got her. I smiled at her and went over to the bench to meet up with Niall. I looked at him and I smiled. He smiled back. I watch my sister and how mum was following her around. I laugh every time.

"Like I said, is she always like that" he asked while laughing.

"No, because I never had a boyfriend and she never had either. So she just happy I guess." and he nodded. I looked at the time and we had cakes and everything. We all said good bye to Sera's family and mum. She wanted to join us and I yelled out a loud no. I may had hurt her feeling but Bella was not happy at all.

"Mom so annoying!" she said. She mostly had her American side but she does have her Irish moment.

"Don't wanna know what she did to Niall" and I rolled my eyes.


It was getting to the end of the tour. I thought long and hard about moving back to Ireland. Well, UK, but get to go to Ireland. Bella was happy and she agree. Sera just looked at me. I just can't leave my missing America twin behind. Although I overheard Harry -yay me- and said that he will try to find a way to make Sera come. I smiled when I heard it. I was in Niall's dressing room. It was the last concert and the tour is over. When he was changing, he told me to join him on stage in 5 minutes. I was confused. I grabbed my suitcase and I put on my clothes. Not too fancy. I walked out and saw Sera and Bella in nice clothes -jeans and shirt-. Well, Sera being herself, wearing her favorite blue dress. Bella ran up to me and hugged me. Sera then join in and it became a group hug.

"You guys need to be on stage like soon" Paul said to us. We all nodded and went backstage. Niall turned around and smiled when he saw me.

I look at Sera for a second. Liam said something but I caught nothing. Niall must had knew I misunderstood Liam and he told me to come to him. I smiled and went to him.

"He said welcome all our girlfriends" he whispered in my ear. I nodded and then gave a confused look. I turned and saw Perrie and Danielle. I was wide eyes for a second. I got to meet them for the first time. I smiled. They played the last song of Live While We're Young and we all just danced along. Me, being myself, was all goofy. Everyone enjoyed it well. I jumped about 10 steps from the stairs but I failed the landing, rolling on my right leg.

"SHIT!" I yelled out. Niall turned and saw me and ran up to me.

"What happen?" he sounded worry.

"I think I just fucking broke my leg!" and I saw Sera on the phone.


I'm so sorry for the super late update. Sera and I have a busy life and she was having major writer block and I had to help her again. *sigh* Anyway, this is dedicated to my first fan here. I'm glad to have our first fan so far. So thanks to her.

For the next few weeks, we will be extra busy. We have Talent Show this weekend and I have a skating show this weekend too and a art show. Next week i am free. I do have two chapters up but I'm not sure how long it will take Sera to do her.(lol)

Sorry for the first cliffhanger. :)


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