Chapter 1-Carly

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I hope you like this. Please don't pay attention to any grammar mistake. I am a deaf teenager and I have problems with grammar and sometimes a spelling mistake. This is written by two different points of view. Please enjoy. Also, I am American so I don't know any Irish and British Accents. (Some I know but not much) (Also, I'm using this for the first time so bear with me)


I looked at my best friend, Niall Horan. I was leaving him. I looked at him while we were in a private area at the airport. Before he was famous, we were normal 13 years old kids.

"I really don't want to leave you, Niall," I said hugging him while my face was in his chest.

"I don't want you to leave me, Carleen. Since your dad has that new job, it suppose to help you guys" he said. He was talking about my brothers and my youngest sister, Isabella. Our flight was called and my mum was calling me over.

"Before I go, I want to say I-I love you. Not as a friend." He looked at me. He pulled me closer than he had before. He put his hand on my cheek and leaned in and kissed me. I blinked for a while and closed my eyes. I never felt this way before. Then mum got annoyed and he left me to go.

"I'll miss you!" he cried as I was running off. I signed him goodbye and we'll talk when we land. I was a normal deaf Irish girl moving to America. I have no idea how it would work.


The first day of school. I was so nervous. I didn't know what to do. Until a girl 'pushed' me and made me dropped my saxophone I turned to her and saw she fell. I bent down noticing my hearing aid was not on my head. She gave it to me. We chatted for a few and I notice she was a nice girl. Sounded a little like Niall to me. I wasn't sure if I should trust her or not. After knowing her for a while, I trusted her. Not like the trust with Niall. It was different.


She knew everything about Niall and I. I told her everything. She even got to hear him on X-Factor. Well, I dragged her into it. She enjoyed it like I did. I couldn't believe to know that he did it for coming to see me. He missed me so much. I missed him too. After watching him for weeks, I was shocked to see how it happened when they lost.

"What the fuck!" I yelled out and cried into Sera's chest who was next to me. She was shocked. I can see it in her eyes.


After a whole year, I got the money to go see One Direction. Mainly for Niall. I wanted him more than anything.

After a while, we made it to the concert. I was excited to see Niall again. But I was having mix feeling. I thought he might have forgotten who I was. Since it was a year, almost two years. I was not happy. Sera helped along the way but Niall was a different person. The guy who knows how to play a good Football game and being my friend. I just couldn't wait to see his face again. In real life, not on the computer or TV. I was highly nervous still though. What if the band changed him? What if he truly doesn't remember me? I calmed myself down. They came on stage and I smiled. Everyone screamed. I was eyeing on Niall. I didn't think he notice me. By the time he was in front of me, he almost messed up his solo from Live While We're Young. I gave him a teary smile. He looked at me. I then notice he never forgot me. He was that same true friend I knew over 7 years ago.

"Nialler," I mouthed to him. He smiled at me. Almost upset but happy. When he went offstage he had signed to me.

"I'm so sorry! Forgive me please!" he signed to me. I then grab my backstage pass and held out in front of my chest. He smiled and went completely offstage. I couldn't believe it. Niall remembered me still. They came back on and he blew a kiss at us all but really pointing at me. I blushed. I enjoy the rest of the concert. Niall kept on eye on me. I was doing the same to him too.

By the time the concert was over, we waited for a while for the place to calm down. We then went through the guard and we got in. I looked for Niall once we got in. I wanted to hug him badly. Someone then spooked me by wrapping his arm around me. I turned and was shocked. Niall knew what to do. I then hugged him.

"I miss you!" I cried and buried my face on his shoulder like I did the day I left him.

"I'm sorry for not warning you. I forgot about you when One Direction was famous and I have to delete everything."

"Even your phone?" I asked wiping my eyes

"My phone, I had to get a new one. My old one died on me. I lost all numbers on it. I never mean for this to get this far. But I'm so happy to see you again" and he leans in me and kissed me. My eyes were wide but I closed them. He still loved me. I couldn't stay mad at him forever. I smiled and started crying again.

"I love you," I said softly.

"I love you too," he said with a sign. I smiled again.

"How long are you staying in town? Cause my prom is Friday!" I blurted out. I knew I shouldn't have said that. I made a mistake. Of course, they were leaving.


Please comment and vote. I will update as fast as I can. But we do have a life. Thanks.


My Life With One Direction (Niall Horan and Harry Styles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora