Chapter 24-Sera

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I wanted no part of Carleen Everdeen in my life. She wouldn't help me. I almost died. She just have the time to show up in my room like she upset about me. I wanted to push her out. Until I listen to every words she said. I had flashback when just 7 years ago.

After running into each other. I told her I was sorry. But the way she look at me, she was the shy one. When she what 'What' in a strong Irish accent, I knew she wasn't from here.

"Are you a forgein exchange?" I asked her. I knew they do that sometime but not often at the Middle School.

"No, I just move here." Again, her Irish accent sounded so awesome.

"If you need help, I'll show you around" She nodded and picked up her saxophone.

"Let me put my saxophone away and asked my music teacher about playing the Bari Sax. I always wanted to play one but they never had one at my school back at home" her voice sounded a bit off. I knew she was not happy at all. I shown her the band room and boy was she happy. She played on it and she a pro.

"Are you sure this is the first time you play the Bari?" I asked her. She nodded. "You're really good" she then had a smile. I guess she wasn't use to this. She put the Bari away and I look at her sheet for her classes. "Awesome! You're on the same team as me" she looked at me very confused. "I'm sorry. There 4 teams of colors so it easier to know what teacher and places you have to be in. You're on Yellow." and she nodded. I liked her voice. I don't understand why she seem so shy.

The next week we became close and she really nice. The first time I got to hang out at her house when when I found out about Niall. She trusted me on that day. He was a really nice kid. I met him a few time on Skype.

After a few years I remember Carly calling me about Niall. For a second I thought something happen to him. But turn out he on X-Factor tryout. I heard him sing but after singing 'So Sick' I was rooting for him. As well as Harry. Carly would kept on slapping me everytime Harry come on.

"Come on! How could you not love his curls!" I complained to her

"But you're hear to root on my best friend. Not what ever his name is" she half snapped and I pouted.

Her heart changed when Simon teamed Niall and Harry up. As well as Zayn, Liam, and Louis. I swear, as soon as they started Video Dairy, little Bella went to Louis. I was able to meet them all on Skype and it was awesome with Harry. That only happened once until she lost contact with Niall and was heartbroken. But I kept her going and bought the tickets.

I still can't believe she kept me all these years. I had to give her a huge hug.

"Thanks for sticking with me. I would never be here without you. Ever. You the best twin I could asked for" and that made her smile.


I groaned when I woke up. I saw Carly half asleep in the extra chair in my room and I notice Niall was not in the room. I laughed very hard when she said foods. I should had known that. I was happy to have real foods. Until I heard Harry's laugh behind him. I thought I was dreaming until I saw him come in. I was surprise I haven't lost my jaw yet. After exchanging kiss he looked at me.

"Why would you even do that?" he asked me. I gulped. I never told him about my past.

"Um, because when I was at home alone, no one would help me. I had no one to talk to. I couldn't talk to you longer because Gram was home and she still don't want me dating yet. Carly wouldn't talk to me. So I just cut myself. I know I was stupid. But I haven't thought of something like this in 7 years."

"Wait you wanted to killed youself? How did that change?"

"I met Carly. She changed my life around because we were the same. Except for killing herself part. But I wouldn't be here without her. I don't wanna talk about this" I muttered. He nodded and kissed me.


"Grandma! I'm leaving! Good Bye forever!" I yelled out to my grandmother. She doesn't want me to leave. If I wasn't go to London, I'm going to collage. I ran out and met up with Niall, Harry, and Carly.

"Thank god I'm living this place forever. Well, still coming back every so often but not living here" Carly cried out. That true. She miss home and get homesick easily.

"Never mind that! I'm coming along and I wanna know why you brag about that place so much" I joked.

"Wut?" she said. Right, she still have her hearing problem.

"Never mind." and we both roll our eyes.

"Haz? I can has cats?" I asked

"Yes love you may have as many as you want."

"maybe Aunt Linda will send me Ciela. God I'll miss going to see those cats it won't be the same without Simonides."


Latona wrote this. Except the cats part. I wrote that. I love cats!


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