Chapter 12

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I entered the school gates and felt as if someone had walked on my grave. Something would happen today, I just felt it. I couldn’t take another step, I felt as if my whole body was being physically pushed out of the school, so I ran. Out of the gates, out of the school, out of the grounds.

Jake’s POV

I saw her going out of the school gates; this could be my chance to finally do what uncle Cole has asked me to do.

Cole’s POV

I got the text from Jake that he was bringing Macey over to the cove now. I left immediately, telling the staff I had a family emergency.

Noah’s POV

I have to Reject Macey, properly. Charlotte gave me an ultimatum, stay with her and reject Macey, or I won’t see her again. Rejecting is serious, on someone weak it could kill them, make them insane and lose their mind. But I don’t think Macey was weak, she could get over this, and she’d had to cos there is no way I would be leaving Charlotte.

Emma’s POV

I was getting worried about Macey, she would be weak especially if she finds out that Noah will officially Reject  her, I hate him for what he’s about to do, but there was no stopping him. I looked up to see Jace talking to Leo; Leo was a cousin, he’s mate had died before the summer break and he had gone to California to sort his head out. He was back now, and he looked good.

Charlotte’s POV

I was glad Noah was going to Reject Macey; it would once and for all get her out of his life. But ooh, Leo was back, and he looked as gorgeous as ever, with his coral green eyes, tanned skin, those amazing fore arms. A quiet moan left my lips, oh well if I couldn’t have Leo, his cousin would do.

Macey’s POV

I escaped and went to the beach, it was quiet, the sun was out and there was a flutter of wind. It felt cool against my skin and hair. I spotted a cave or something up ahead; I went closer to check it out.

Jake’s POV

Turns out I don’t have to force Macey or do anything to get her to the right destination. Her curiosity would get her killed anyway, I saw her as she entered the Cove, and I turned back to head the way I came. Uncle Cole told me not to get involved further as it could get me into trouble. Curiosity did kill the cat…

Macey’s POV

I entered the cave to find it was dark, but I could see a glimmer of light further inside, I hesitated around the entrance, debating whether I should go in, outside the sky bellowed as light flashed down and heavy rain thundered from the sky. The idiom ‘it was raining cats and dog’ compared nothing to this; today it was more like it was ‘raining lions and elephants.’ That decided it for me and so I entered the dark cave. I got my phone out as its light guided my way forward; I walked a further 10 minutes before I reached the source of the light. It was a torch.

Surprised I stepped back, only to be barged into a hard chest, I quickly turned around to find myself face to face with Cole. I stepped back, only to find no exit except the one behind Cole. An involuntary whimper escaped my lips, and Cole laughed, his laughter echoing the rock walls of the cave. I stepped back and Cole reached out to grab me, he was too strong for me, he pushed me back and as I hit my head I passed out…

My eyes fluttered open to find myself gagged and tied against a dark, damp corner of the cave, I looked to see where Cole had gone but I couldn’t find him anywhere. I couldn’t believe this was happening, not now. I saw it was getting dark outside, the sun just setting, I must have been knocked out for hours. I tried to find something to cut the ropes, but unlike the movies there were no shards of glass or an unseen knife hidden in my shoe. Further ahead laid my phone, battered and crushed, and saw that the entrance was barricaded, at least the one leading to the inner part of the cave anyway; also there was not a droplet of water anywhere in sight, so I couldn’t use my affinity to get me outta here, Cole was taking no chances.

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