"Very much so. Shit a lot of shit I thought of since before I met you have changed."

"Is that a good thing?"

"It's a great thing."

"Well that's good then." She said smiling at me. "We never had the chance to eat our wedding cake." She added on.

"I know baybeh but I'll buy you a cake."

"Nah I'm good on the cake it was really for the guest anyways."

"Yeah true."

It was silent for a moment before Temperance spoke.

"Have you ever felt like our life was a book?" She asked looking straight out the double doors.

"What do you mean?"

"Like everything is planned and wrote. Like our life is just a story that's waiting to be finished but once it's finished we just die into just a mere thought."

"I get what you saying baybeh but I always thought of our lives like an unfinished story, like it's not planned out but the pen just flows as we grow."

"What happened when the pen runs out of ink?"

"I never thought of that, I just always thought that once the pen run out the book is closed, a blank book and a new pen is opened to continue our sequel."

"But don't you wonder like what will our last page be?"

"Nah, I just want to go with flow. Leave the writer in control and don't rush him, he got this under control. If our life is a book then let's live a joyful life so when someone pick our book up it isn't filled with depression and regret." I said rubbing her stomach.

"I get what you saying. You know growing up I thought I would have the Romeo and Juliet story as my last chapter. I felt like me and my love would take our live but now I'm just curious as to where my book will end."

"Not like Romeo and Juliet I promise you that cause we ain't committing suicide, just the thought of it will cause both our mama's to end that shit for us."

"Right that's why Romeo and Juliet was white cause black parents don't play that shit. Expecially not our parents." She said shaking her head before laughing.

"Right my mama would take her belt off so fast. You know her favorite saying..."

"You not to old to get your ass whooped and grandma shyla definitely gone kill us. That's one strong old woman."

"Right, she whooped me one time when I was younger and I called my grandpops so fast on her ass. I couldn't sit down for shit." I said laughing at the thought.

It wasn't funny when it happened but that shit funny now.

"You gotta love her."

"Yeah but aye you think you pregnant? Like Jay and Leela got a bet going on with Zane and Dylan that you gone be pregnant by the time we come back from vacation but Zane and Dylan think you gone get pregnant some time between the next three months." I said looking at her.

Only reason I asked is because they been texting a nigga phone asking me if she been showing any signs of pregnancy but I'm like that's pointless cause her cyst isn't gone yet.

"Um I don't know but I have an appointment set up with my doctor for when we get back to see about this cyst."


I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes. I'm not necessarily sleepy but I could just use a little relax time cause lately a nigga been doing all the work during sex.

I felt kisses on my neck which cause my to open my eyes halfway.

"What you tryna get into?"

She gave me sloppy kisses from my neck all the way up to my lips.

"Nothing" She said with a innocent grin before she started back leaving sloppy kisses on my neck while putting her hands in my boxers.

I stood up and went to the couch laying back. I didn't want to be directly in front of the doors since they are all glass and there is hotels across from ours.

I went under my shirt that she had on and tried to pulled down her panties but to my surprise she didn't have any on, so I pulled the shirt over her head as she pulled my boxers down.

She slowly slide herself down on my harden member and started grinding her hips with her hands placed on my chest to give herself some support.

She threw her head back moaning loudly as she began to bounce herself up and down. I grabbed her ass while sucking on her harden nipple.

"Anthony" She moaned out as she got ready to reach her first climax of the night.

- Wacky chapter, wacky ending I know -

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