All Started With A Doughnut (One Direction Fan-Fic)

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“Oh my god! I’m going to see One Direction and Harry will see me and we will fall in love and I will be famous!”- Said orange foundation girl.

 I rolled my eyes; I can’t believe I’m at a one direction autograph signing could my day get any worse? Yes it could I had to be rudely woken up by best friend Lilly.

            Let me start from the beginning. My name is Kathleen Smith, Katie for short, I have never really liked the name Kathleen, and I’m sixteen years old with Carmel brown hair and green eyes. Typical right? I have an average body with 34D cup and a slightly curvy. For the past month my best friend Lilly Anderson has been hounding me nonstop about this 1D sighing, which for me is very boring because I don’t even like One direction, I only know their first names because she’s been talking about them coming, apparently she likes that boy named Harry too. But Lilly being Lilly wouldn’t stop asking me to go until she found what I couldn’t deny. COFFEE! Now I know that sounds weird but hey I love it and she would get me free coffee from Star bucks for a month! So here I am, I had slept  in or that’s what Lilly said, but hey in my defense I had to be woken up at 5:30, and I’m not a morning person so when I have to get up at 5:30 on a Saturday with no breakfast because we were running late. Lets jus say I’m not a happy camper.

So here I’m standing at ten in the morning with no coffee or breakfast in just a pair of aero yoga pant and a tank top. I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten glared at and asked

“Why are you wearing yoga pants you’re going to see One freaking Direction”

            Ugh I hate this, glancing over at my best friend and taking in her appearance. She was wearing dark wash denim short shorts. Un like other girls Lilly could pull off short shorts because of her slim body. On the top half she was wearing a flowery tank, she looked great with blonde hair curled and natural makeup that brought out her blue eyes. She looked so pretty and looked to be about to jump out of her skin with excitement. Smiling at her excitement I looked down at my game of fruit ninja. Little lion man by Mumford And Sons playing on my 4th generation IPod touch. God I love this song, you see un like other girls my age I don’t like pop music, I’m more into indie folk rock girl. As I was about to press restart on the game the most delicious smell of bakery filled my nose. Mmmmm that smelled good, I had to fine where I came from. Quickly I glanced at Lilly and saw that she was chatting with another girl wearing a 1D shirt on. I whispered in her ear

“I’m going to get some food be right back”

“Kay don’t take too long there almost here” she squealed

Rolling my eyes I followed the delicious smell and saw a blond haired boy come out of a hallway holding a chocolate doughnut. Yummy I loved doughnuts and that one looked so mouth watering good. I fallowed the hallway that he came out of and turn to the smell. There I found a small-ish room with tan walls, two black leather couches and a pig plasma screen TV. There sitting in the middle of the coffee table was a big platter of doughnuts. Those look so good! Taking Vanilla bread with chocolate frosting. Picking it up I took a big bight of it

“mmmmmm” I said moaning out loud

Turning on my black converse heel I started walking out of the room and into the hallway, back to the way where I came, so entranced with the chocolate heaven in my hand I had bumped into a boy with brown curry hair drinking a water battle, I got the easy end of the run in only tripping. As for the boy well let’s just say his shirt wasn’t as lucky.

“Ahhh Bloody Hell”

“Sorry” I squeaked

Racing down the hallway, but not wanting to make a scene I slowly walked down to the end of the hall way and out to the screaming girl chanting “one direction” “one direction” finishing up my doughnut I finally spotted Lilly

“There you are I was starting to get nervous”

“Sorry” I said

“Ok ladies thank you for coming to the One Direction Sighing, sorry for the slight delay, but here they are One Direction!” The announcer said.

And a whole bunch of screaming, Ughhh to loud, popping in one ear bud I continued to listen to Mumford and Sons. As we started to get closer to the boys, I was getting more bored. I was right behind Lilly. One of the boys with brown hair and eyes got up and was handed a microphone. Had to admit he was pretty hot.

“Everyone we just wanted to say that this lucky lady gets to hangout with one direction today” The boy said. Then he did the unbelievable, he pointed up at me. I was so confused, why was he pointing at me?

“Are you pointing at me” I said pointing at myself.

“Yes he’s pointing at you, you dumbey go” Lilly whispered in my ear. Glaring at here I walked up to the boy.

“ Hey that’s the girl that spilled water on me!” The curry hair boy yelled, but with all the girls screaming and talking the only people that heard are me and the other boys. Seemingly unfazed by his friends shout out

“Congratulations to this beautiful lady, you get to hangout with us all day”

Ya this day just keeps getting better!

This is just a feeler if I get reviews saying you want more then I will post more :)

Photo on the side is of Katie>

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2013 ⏰

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