nine | a day off

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A/N: Pardon my French🙊


I woke up in a damp shirt soaked in tears, with my arms wrapped around the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. She was still sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to disturb her, so I thought of how the day would play out. It's a Saturday which means no school; maybe Lauren and I could have the day to ourselves.

She shifted and peeled her eyes open while letting out a groggy yawn. Her eyes landed on me and she immediately smiled, showing off her white teeth. "Hi," she said with her raspy morning voice.

"Hey there," I chuckled, kissing her forehead. "How'd you sleep?"

Nuzzling her head into my neck, she mumbled, "Amazing."

"That's good." I let out a happy sigh and kept my firm grip around her while she seemed to be thinking about something.

"What time is it?"

I looked over at my side table clock where 10:03 was displayed on it. "10:03."

"Shit!" She shot out of bed and scrambled to get dressed while I watched in amusement. She went to the bathroom and came back out fully clothed with her shirt on backwards. I laughed. "What're you doing?! We're gonna be late for school!"

I shook my head. "First off, your shirt is on backwards; and second, it's Saturday. There's no school."

She practically collapsed out of exhaustion and let out multiple complaints that were muffled by the floor. I walked over to her and stared down as she cussed under her breath. Then looking up at me, she groans, "Why didn't you stop me...?"

"I don't know. It was pretty funny," I grinned devilishly. She sent me a playful smirk and unexpectedly pulled me down too.

"You're such an ass!" she yelled in between laughs.


Moments later, we were on our way into an ice-skating rink (my suggestion) out of pure boredom.

"Shoes please," the red, curly-haired employee asked.

We both handed him our shoes in return for skates, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw the one and only Brad Simpson with his preppy girlfriend.

"Are you serious?!" I whisper-yelled to myself.

"What was that?" Lauren asked, taking her skates out of the man's hands.


I grabbed my skates as well and we went to the bench to tie them. Once they were on securely, I helped Lauren walk to the ice, seeing as she was wobbling uncontrollably. I stepped onto the ice first, then guided her onto it thereafter.

With her hands on my shoulders and mine on her waist, we sped past people. She seemed to get the hang of it, so she slung forward, laughing hysterically. "I totally got this!" she yelled back at me. I secured her from behind, sure she wouldn't fall anyway, but I spoke too soon. "Look at this! Eat sh—!"

Before she could hit the back of her head on the ice I caught her. "What was that about eating shit, huh?"

She pouted and sighed in defeat. "Whatever. I'm hungry. Let's take a break and get something to eat."

I nodded in agreement and helped her off the ice. On our way to the counter, however, I wouldn't stop teasing her about her graceful fall. Her face reddens with embarrassment while I poke fun at her.

"No," she whined, "stop it..."

"Aw, you know I was only joking," I cooed in return, pinching her pinching her pink tinted cheeks.

"Whatever." Lauren turned to the woman behind the counter and smiled before ordering for the both of us—cheese fries, very classy.

We took it back to a vacant table, and began eating pleasantly until the no-lipped-fucker decided to ruin it.

"Well, well, well..." he laughed bitterly, "I see you've moved on, Lauren."

"What do you want, Bradley? You're here saying I've moved on, but you've had another girlfriend for who knows how long."

"Mother fu—" I started to mumble before I was stopped by the green-eyed girl's enticing stare. Brad must've seen—it was displayed in yet another bitter chuckle.

"You're taking this great on the outside, but I know you wish you were still my girlfriend," he smirked.

I set my jaw and gritted my teeth, slowly standing up in my seat as I readied for a fight.

"No, I don't actually," Lauren said calmly, glancing at me. "I—"

"Leave," I cut in. "Leave now, Bradley."

He took a step closer to me and grinned in my face, saying, "Make me."

I shoved him, sending him into a stool. As I smiled, proud of myself for standing up to him, Lauren grabbed my balled up fist and rubbed it soothingly which surprisingly calmed me down. I came back to reality for a split second, and that's when I saw a large crowd around us.

My attention then fixed on Brad again who was standing up and brushing himself off, an unsettling grin took over his features. "Oh, you want a fight, don't you? Why? So you can show this ugly bitch that you can defend yourself?"

I yanked my fist away from Lauren's grasp and held the curly-haired boy up by the collar, spitting fire with every word. "What did you just call her?!" My grip tightened. "Say it again, why don'tcha?! I dare you!"

"Lauren Jauregui—that fat, ugly little shit that was sitting right over there." He pointed to an empty seat then punched me in the jaw, and that's when I lost it. I punched him forcefully 6 times while his girlfriend watched on the sidelines. His nose began to bleed, and I finally dropped him.

"Lauren?!" I called out, full of panic. "Lauren?! Where are you?!"

"She's probably making out with another guy. What a whore."

I snatched an unoccupied skate and chucked it as hard as I could at Brad, leaving a cut and possibly a broken nose for him to deal with.

"Don't you ever say anything bad about Lauren again, or I swear your punishment next time will be ten times worse."

Gosh, Lauren. You'd better be okay.


A/N: I feel really bad for cussing so much 🙈


~yours truly

behind the badass ⊸ a lauren/you storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon