four | a world of hurt

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There was a knock on the door. Who it could be, I didn't know; I wasn't expecting anyone. I heard footsteps and the front door open, meaning my dad answered—luckily, sober.

"Y/N!" his voice boomed through the house. "A girl named Ally says she's here to see you!"

"Okay!" I walked downstairs to be greeted by a small girl that I recognized as one of Lauren's friends. In her hands was a decently-sized stack of books with a few papers—my books and papers with my name on them.

My dad left us be, wandering into another room. I watched as he left, then turned back to Ally, who, like always, had a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Hi," she greeted happily, handing me the books.

I took them with a skeptical look on my face as my phone rang in my back pocket. I placed the books down and answered it without checking the caller ID whilst Ally stood in the doorway.



I recognized the voice and groaned. "Look, I get it! I'll stay out of your life if you stay out of mine! Goodbye!"
"Wait. I—"

I hung up and let out an irritated sigh, looking to Ally with a difficult-to-fake smile.

"Hi, Ally," I said. "Did Lauren send you here?"

She shrugged and looked down at her feet nervously. "No." Letting out a deep breath, she glanced up again, now speaking more confidently, saying, "I just noticed you weren't there in the last few classes, so I told the teachers you had to go home sick and collected your work."

"Oh, uh, well—" I stepped out of the house, shutting the door behind me, "—thanks. It means a lot."

We stood in an awkward silence, looking anywhere but each other's gazes. It grew almost unbearable, so I spoke up.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N." I stuck my hand out.

"I'm Ally Hernandez," she giggled, "nice to meet you." Taking my hand into hers, she shook it firmly.

"You too," I chuckled. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Definitely," she said with a smile. Without another word, she walked to her car and drove into the distance.


October came around, and I somehow had been able to keep my distance from Lauren and her boyfriend—yes, Bradley Simpson; yes, the make-out sessions became a daily thing; and yes, in front of my locker. They became an item shortly after their third date. I, personally, would've said no to being his girlfriend, but I guess we're all entitled to our own choices.

Despite the depressing start to my school year, Ally and I became good friends. I've opened up to her, but not as much as I have to Cara, obviously.

"Hey," the blue-eyed girl greeted with her signature smirk as she walked in my direction. She sat on the bench, next to me.

"Hm?" I hummed.

Cara groaned obnoxiously while rolling her eyes to China and back. "Seriously," she scoffed, "still?"

"What?" I retorted.

"You've been so quiet and down in the dumps since Brauren—"

I cut her off by fake vommiting in my mouth. "No. Don't even speak that name."

"Yeah, whatever," she said, waving me off dismissively.  "You still haven't moved on."


"Lighten up!" she exclaimed. Here she goes, another lecture. "You've been—"


"—too stubborn—"


"—to even think about—"

"Cara!" I yelled, finally grabbing he attention. She looked at me and laughed as I sat there, annoyed out my mind. "Come on. We both know it'll take a lot to help me move on."

"We can go out tonight! We'll find you some hot girls, and bam—you've moved on!"

I sighed. "Easier said than done."

As if on cue, Lauren walked into the school, Brad's arm wrapped around her. They walked past people as if the other students were below them, and clearly Cara noticed it too; I could tell by the disgusted scoff she let out.

"I swear," she began, "it's like the popularity has gotten to—"

"That beautiful mind of hers," I finished, smiling at the sight of Lauren being happy.

She rolled her eyes and sighed sadly, "You're like a lost puppy." She stood up and walked away, leaving me to my thoughts, but I quickly stood up after her.

I rushed to my locker, but Lauren and Brad beat me to it. They hadn't started making out yet, so I quickly tried to shoo them away.

"Please move I—"

I locked eyes with Lauren, and watched her innocent smile turn into a devilish smirk.

There was something in her eyes that I couldn't read—hatred maybe? Nope. But it seemed like she wanted me to feel some sort of pain.

I shook it off and looked away when they started making out. They finally left 2 minutes before the late bell was supposed to sound, and that did leave me with enough time, but I fumbled with my books and was literally one step away from the door when it went off.

"Y/L/N!" I cringed at the pitchy voice of my teacher in my ear. "Why are you late again?"

I rolled my eyes and groaned. I noticed everyone staring at me, which made me uncomfortable, but I tried to ignore it as much as possible. "I had some—" I struggled to find the right word, "—complications with my locker."

Lauren sat in the back of the room with her popular group, snickering amongst with them as expected. I turned my attention back to the teacher who was glaring daggers at me. "Well, since your grade in my class isn't too good, I'll have someone tutor you as punishment for being late so many times."


My teacher's eyes scanned the room and landed on—

"Lauren Jauregui. She has the best grade in this class."

No, no, no. She hates me. I can't—

"Yes, ma'am," Lauren agrees.


behind the badass ⊸ a lauren/you storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora