three | call me miss movin' on

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I shuffled my feet on the pavement, arriving at the Jauregui house. I knocked on the door and Mike, Lauren's dad, answered. He stared me down, then raised a questioning eyebrow as his eyes scanned me over. I noticed last night Mr. Jauregui didn't happen to be there; he had to work late, according to Mrs. Jauregui.

"Hello, sir. My name is Y/N, and I'm one of Lauren's... Friends. I was hoping I could walk her to school today," I spoke politely.

"Mr. Jauregui," he introduced. I held out my hand for him to shake. He smiled and shook my hand firmly, saying, "It's nice to meet you, Y/N."

I retracted my hand from his and swayed back and forth on the balls of my feet with an awkward smile on my face. Lauren's dad cleared his throat, causing me to glance up. "She's already gone to school, kiddo."

My smiled dropped slightly, but I faked a glamorous one, nodding and saying my goodbye as I turned to begin the walk to school.

"Goodbye, sir!" I yelled back with a wave, turning the corner, whilst he grinned and waved back happily.

I strolled down the sidewalk, whistling random tunes that came to mind until I found my way into the school. From the front door, I didn't hesitate to go to my locker where my daily flirting with the green-eyed girl would happen, but today it was different. There they were: Lauren Jauregui and Bradley Simpson, making out—in front of my locker.

I slowly approached them, awkwardly coughing as I attempted to get to my locker, but they didn't pull apart. Instead, I used my voice, rather than my fists to lash out on Brad. "Can you two please move? This is my locker and I need my books."

They pulled away and Brad left the scene, but Lauren leaned against the locker next to mine patiently. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Aren't you going to ask me out like you always do?" she questioned, as if she hadn't just eaten the curly-haired boy's face off.

I sighed and shook my head, taking out the last book I needed. "Not anymore." Walking away, I didn't look back.

I dragged myself in and out of each class of the morning until lunch came, where I sat against a window, watching the chaos in the cafeteria unfold.

"Y/N," a raspy British voice said. I looked up and smiled genuinely for the second time today.


"Can I sit with you?" she inquired.

"You're always welcome," I replied.

"What's got you down today?" Cara asked, rubbing my back.

I slumped down a bit more, looking up at one of the tables, then back down. She made an o-shape with her mouth before pulling up my chin to make me look at her fiery, electric blue eyes.

"Look," Cara began, "you're a good person at heart, Y/N. I know it. But I think you've been waiting too long for Lauren. For goodness sakes, you haven't had your first kiss because you've been waiting for her so long!"


"No, you need to listen to me. I'm your best friend—"

"Only friend."

"—Yeah, yeah, whatever. That's not the point. What I'm saying is: wait if you want to, but it may be best to move on. There's other fish in the sea! Girls and guys, alike, throw themselves at you!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air for emphasis.

I smirked at her. "You want this, don't you?" I chuckled, moving my hands up and down my torso.

Her mouth dropped and she smacked my chest. "No! Sorry, but you're not my type." She flipped her hair sassily and giggled.

I rolled my eyes playfully and looked at my feet, letting out a low sigh.

"Hey," Cara spoke up, "don't be so sad. Would you mind skipping class for the rest of the day with me? I think a hangout is long overdue."

"Hell yeah," I said cooly.

We stood up, grabbed our bags, and walked out the back of the room, not trying to draw any unwanted attention to ourselves.

I opened the door and breathed in the fresh air; very different from the scent of sweaty teens.

"So where are we headed?"

She shrugged and looked left, then right.  "Let's just take a walk."

We approached the street, crossing via the crosswalk while making pleasant conversation.

"Yeah, she's not very reliable if you ask me," Cara finished, completing the story about one of her previous science partners that didn't do her part.

"Well, I guess it could be worse," I shrugged nonchalantly.

She pushed me lightly with a small laugh, groaning, "You basically just said things could be better too, you know."

"You're looking to much into it," I laughed.

"Whatever, you weirdo." She paused for a minute. "So, this situation with you and Lauren... Could you share? Or are you not ready yet?"

"No," I denied, "I can explain now, I guess."

I told her everything. I told her all about how Lauren helped me after I blacked out, all up to this morning, and she didn't push it, which is what I like about Cara. She gave me some words of encouragement when I dropped her off at her house, then disappeared inside her large home.

I dragged myself back to my house with my head hanging low, until I ran into someone—Lauren—of course.

She looked up at me and I looked up at her. Our eyes locked, and I quickly looked past her and walked away before she could put her first word in.

Just seeing her made me hurt on the inside. Knowing her lips were connected to someone else's was the tear in my heart that fired my anger.

But then again, I couldn't be mad at her. If I really love her, I'll have to make sure she's happy—with or without me, I guess.

"Maybe Cara was right," I said, voicing my thoughts out loud. "Maybe I have been waiting too long."

I opened the front door, slamming it shut, then racing up to my bedroom and letting out a heavy sigh before drowning myself in the giant pile of pillows on my bed.

Life goes on, it doesn't wait for anything or anyone, even when it comes to love.

behind the badass ⊸ a lauren/you storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin