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AssalamuAlaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu😊

The sole purpose of writing this book is for Sharing knowledge.

Knowledge sharing is Sadaqat-ul-Jaariyah for u and me and you will receive sawab for all those who will implement it ,not by just reading but by also forwarding to others.

"Indeed, Allah will ask about what you did with your knowledge "

The Prophet(PBUH) said:
"Pass knowledge from me even of it's only a verse "

This book is NOT a Copyright.
So you have the right to pass on, distribute and share with others everything in this book.

"Spread the knowledge so that it will be Sadqa-e-Jaariyah (everlasting charity)for you " In Shaa Allah

The Prophet(PBUH) said:
"Whoever direct someone to good, then he will have the reward equal to the doer of the action" [Muslim 1893]

🔴☞For all those who might have doubts on certain topics, I would request you not to ask me any questions Please.
I'm no qualified person and do not have the capability to give you an answer. I do not want to give you an incorrect answer and misguide you.

If you have any doubts regarding any topics , you can easily google it and you will get your required help.👍

🔴You are also free to PM me and share anything you would like to see in this book.

May Allah make this work of mine beneficial for all of you. In shaa allah. Ameen.😌

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Jazakallahu khairan .😊

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