And The Snake Starts To Sing - Bring Me The Horizon

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That night was like a big shock. Kellin said he had always wondered what happened to me. That's all we did that night, was talk and catch up and eat. By the time we went to bed, it was already one in the morning. I said goodnight to the boys, kissing Tony on the cheek and gaining a bear hug from Jaime. Mike trailed along behind me until I reached our room and then he told me he would be in in a couple of minutes.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him, my hand hovering over the door knob. A smile presented itself on his angelic face; I felt my heart speed up in my chest.

"I just want a smoke before I go to bed. I'll be right in, love." He kissed me quickly before stuffing his hands in his pockets and walked down the hall. Sighing, and still feeling his lips on my lips, I turned into our room and switched on the light. Clicking the door closed, I leaned against it and huffed aloud. The day had taking a turn for the weird. I never imagined myself telling anyone that story again. And yet here I was, living with a bunch of guys rather than my addicted dad. But hey! I'm not complaining.

Sighing again, I dragged my feet along the shaggy carpet all the way into the closet. I changed into a pair of Joe boxer short shorts. I pulled off the giant t-shirt I had on from this morning and stood in front of the floor length mirror. My new tattoo was on full display, starting from my under boob, which was covered by a lacy, black Bandeau, and flowing gracefully all the way down my waist to the top of my shorts. The black and white shined brilliantly against my semi tan skin. I wanted to laugh at the fact that my boyfriend's skin was way tanner than mine. I loved it to be frank. Whenever his skin brushed mine it reminded me of the sun, because he let off so much warmth. The dark swirls that made up the willow branches pressed deeply into my skin, reminded me of my story.

"What does that mean?" Mike's voice startled me and I spun around to face him. He smiled weakly at me; wrapping his hands around my waist and spinning me back around so we looked into the mirror. I leaned into his chest, sighing again when everything about him surrounded me. I watched as he ran his index finger across the branch with the words twisted into it.

"Here Forever." He whispered.

"It's part of my story." I answered back, "It's all Native American, because of my mom's heritage." He nodded, still tracing my skin.

"No wonder your so tan." I snorted unattractively, staring into his eyes through the mirror.

"Your tanner than me Mikey!" He let go of me to turn around and putter around his dresser.

"I'm Mexican baby, but you love it." He winked at me. I stayed staring at my new tattoo, as I fought to keep a blush off my cheeks. He seemed to smile at that.

"The willow tree symbolizes an inner healing, dreaming. The little girl on the swing reminds me of childhood, which symbolizes the future, what's to come. And the wind blowing the branches and the swing means a change. A good, a bad, and a beginning." I turned away from the mirror and slipped on a black singlet tank top.

"That sounds beautiful. Do you want any more?" I faced him, and stifled a giggle as I watched him destroy his dresser for a t-shirt.

"We literally just unpacked your clothes, how on earth can you not remember where you put your shirts." I mocked him, sliding in between him and the dresser. I pushed him back with my butt, giggling when he stumbled. I closed the drawer he was looking through, which held shorts and a handful of skinny jeans, and opened the drawer that was second to the top.

"You didn't answer my question." He replied, ignoring my jabs. I faced him when I found a plain white, cotton shirt. I held it out to him and sunk under his gaze.

"Yeah, I do. It's mom and I had planned on getting them when I was older." I whispered, "And the experience with you guys, well...I want to be something that symbolizes you four." He stopped putting on his short, halfway through my statement, leaving his tummy exposed. The uncolored roses under the skull were a bit dull against his skin. He would want to get it finished soon.

"What were your mom and you going to get?" He questioned. I sighed, reaching out to yank on his shirt. He let me pull it down his torso, and tried to hide his shiver. I wondered for a moment if he was cold, which made me immediately turn to the part of the closet that held our sweatshirts. I fingered my way through the vast black pieces of fabrics, searching for a specific one. Mike let out a chuckle, and grabbed my hand and also my attention.

"I'm not shivering because I'm cold, Angel."


"It's not from the cold," He repeated. The smoldering look on his eyes stopped me in my tracks. It clicked in my mind, and made my cheeks blush. My heart hammered in my chest and I could feel my knees start to buckle. I leaned into him involuntarily, causing him to let out a chuckle and wrap his arms around me.

"I mean, I know I'm in a band, but jeez màma, don't faint on me. It's bad for my rep," He teased, which caused me to blush harder. I slapped his chest, slipping from his arms.

"Angeeel!" He dragged out the E, reaching for me again. I expected him to explain himself, so I cut him off before he could let the words out.

"I thought you didn't like the limelight." I winked, stepping out of the closet. I tossed my hair into a messy bun at the base of my neck, breezing through the room; I opened the two windows letting in the cool summer wind.

"I like to make you blush," He explained, walking over to the bed and pulling down the thick, blood red blanket that rested on our queen sized bed. I walked over to him, placing my hands on his hips from behind and standing on my tippy toes. Which still wasn't enough by the way, for my mouth only reached just below his ear lobe? It still stopped his movements, his hands filled with the sheets.

"So do I," I whispered. He shivered, squeezing the sheets tightly in his fist. I giggled, diving for the bed and turning over so I was facing him. The look on his face was pure gold. His mouth had fallen open, his eyes wide, and his eyebrows up in his hair. I laughed again, leaning up on my knees in front of him. I lifted my hand up and touched Mike's strong jaw with my fingers. I pushed up carefully, closing his mouth.

"Be careful Babe, you might catch flies," I teased. He finally caught up with me, his brilliant chocolate orbs locking with mine. His hands crept down my arms and pulled my hand away from his face, to wrap both of my arms around his neck. I folded them tightly across one another and let him pull me closer to his upper torso. He wrapped his arms around my lower back and kissed my cheek sloppily, causing me in turn to laugh loudly.

"I don't normally like the attention, but I like the attention you give me." I was shocked at what he had said. I wasn't used the compliments he kept feeding me and I wasn't sure if I should believe them. I wanted to trust him and I did. It was just that living with my father after everything that had happened, all the cruel words that he had drilled into my head; they canceled everything that was good.

"What's going on in that gorgeous little head of yours Angel?" He asked, catching my attention again.

"Hmm?" I didn't catch what he had said, my mind lost in the memories. I couldn't let Mike know though.

"It wasn't your dad right?"

"What! Of course not!" I hoped that was convincing enough for him, because it wasn't convincing for me.

"C'mon love, I know you, I know when you're lying. Talk to me. I want to help you."

"That tattoo I was going to get with my mom? It was going to be the Deathly Hallows symbol." I deflected.

"You like Harry Potter!" He shouted, moving to hold me at arms length. I nodded, smiling because I was successful in changing the subject.

"That's way cool!" I nodded along, starting to feel bad, but he seemed okay. I let out a tired yawn, all of a sudden feeling my body droop with exhaustion.

"Let's get you settled Beautiful. We've had a long day."

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