Chapter 27

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Today's the first day of school. Here goes nothing.

When you've been going to school for a while and you want to avoid people, you learn to. It's easy to figure out how the school works. There are simple social groups that are not to be messed with. Everyone knows it and everyone falls into a group. I usually sat alone at lunch by choice. I didn't fall into a social group because I didn't want to. I read during lunch. Reading is one of my favorite ways to survive school. The groups are pretty straight forward. You have your jocks, book nerds, game nerds, science geeks, the populars, the lost causes, the wanna-be rock stars, and the close-to-normal kids (everyone has their quirks but this is the closest you get).

I've decided that the best group to choose is the close-to-normal ones. They're pretty much the only group that doesn't have requirements. You find some friends within the large group and you stick with them. I've heard it's easy as pie, and that's what I need. Life has been getting a little too complicated for my liking lately. I need something easy to entertain me for a little while.

Mama makes lunches for Brookie, Vander, and me and tells me that I look so much older. This strikes me as odd because I always feel like a little kid on the first day of school, when my nerves get the best of me. I then give dad a kiss on the cheek. He proceeds to tear up and say I'm not a little girl anymore. I comfort him by saying that I will always be his little girl, he wipes away the tears before Vander sees them. I go to hug Gramps and he tells me I am becoming a beautiful young woman. I really don't understand where all of this is coming from. I definitely feel older, but I don't think I've changed that much.

While all of this is going on Vander is standing awkwardly next to the kitchen table. Everyone seems to notice at the same time and looks towards him. To my surprise, Dad is the first one to act. He walks up to Vander and gives him one of those man-hugs that include little hugging and mostly patting on the back. He tells Vander to have fun and be safe. I smile and I think I see Vander tear up, but as soon as the tears appear he blinks and they disappear. I realize that this is probably the first time in a long while he's had someone say something fatherly to him and the thought of it makes me smile a bit wider. Mama and Gramps hug Vander.

"Lets get this show on the road," says Gramps, and Brookie, Vander, and I exit the house.

"Have lots of fun!" Mama calls as Vander and I walk towards the bus stop while Brookie skips ahead.

Brookie's bus comes to take her off to elementary school about five minutes before the high school bus comes. When we see the big yellow thing turning the corner and clumsily bumping down the road, Brookie skips up to Vander and gives him a big hug. He looks a little shocked at first, but then he wraps his arms around her and hugs back with a smile.

"Bye bye!" she exclaims. After that she skips over to me and I pick her up in my arms and give her the biggest bear hug I can.

"I like having a big brother," Brookie whispers in my ear. Now it's my turn to be shocked, but like Vander I quickly cover it up and smile back at her.

"I like having a brother too," I whisper. As soon as I say it I regret it, but Brookie is already hopping away to the curb. Do I really think of Vander as a brother?  Finally the bus comes to a stop and Brookie practically sprints up the steps. She stops for a moment at the top to smile back at us, then quickly vanishes into the sea of children. All of the girls on our side of the bus are staring, gasping, giggling, and whispering, and I know why.

"Is that your sister's boyfriend!?" I hear from an open window.

"No! Gross! He's kind of like my brother." Comes a familiar voice from somewhere on the inside.

"Good because he's soooooo hot!" says another little girl.

I'm not sure why but I suddenly feel very protective of Vander. I don't want all of the little eyes on the bus raking over him, taking in his every (perfect) detail. I begin to blush. Stop it. I think to myself. I know that all of these girls are too young to date him and I'm not, so I could if I wanted to, but I don't. He's pretty much my brother now and there's nothing I can do to change that. Not that I want to. I will the color to leave my cheeks, but the heat stays and I'm worried Vander will notice. I fan my face a little while he stares smiling back at all the little girls on the bus. Pretty much the whole bus has migrated to this side to stare and he doesn't seem uncomfortable at all. I'm worried that it's going to tip over. After what seems like an eternity, the bus driver yells at all of the kids to sit back in their seats and pulls away. Vander looks over at me and I blush again.

"Kids am I right?" he says jokingly.

"Yeah," I try to respond in a joking tone of my own, but it sounds more desperate than a joke. Luckily, the bus comes just in time and takes away a bit of the awkwardness. I walk onto the bus and Vander follows. Once again, all eyes are on Vander. I sit in an empty seat and look up at Vander, but right before he sits with me, Jessie, the head of the populars invites him to sit with her. He graciously accepts like the gentleman he is, smiling at her. She stares dreamily at him and he doesn't have a clue, or at least that's what I think at first, but then he turns to me and gives an apologetic look. It's fine I mouth to him.

"You new?" Jessie asks.

"Yeah," Vander replies.

"Is Addilyn your girlfriend?"

"Oh! no, just a friend," he says a bit awkwardly.

She turns and gives me a sinister smile before replying. I begin to burn with anger. I feel the heat in my cheeks, but I don't try to will it away. I won't give her the satisfaction of seeing me angry, though. I turn and stare out the window. She can flirt all she wants, she can even date him, she's beautiful and he's your brother. I think. Somehow I'm not buying it.

"I can show you around, I know where everything is. I'll take you to all of your classes."

What a jerk.

"Alright, sounds good."

We finally arrive at school and before Jessie can say another word I take Vander's hand and march off of the bus with him. Again his face hints at surprise, and then melts back to neutral. Once we descend the steps I walk smoothly and confidently, looking anyone who passes in the eye. Vander's natural walk is smooth and confident with a little bit of arrogance. It even shows in his walk, go figure. We probably look sort of like a couple, but no one would think that considering Vander looks, well, how he does, and I'm just a scrawny little thing. 

We enter the school and suddenly holding hands feels like a very bad decision. I drop Vander's hand and point him in the direction of the guidance office where he'll find his schedule. I turn quickly and walk to my locker, but I can't help notice that my place beside Vander has quickly been filled by Jessie.

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