The Doctor and Terra Dance

Start from the beginning

The Doctor responded in kind. "Take a look around the room." He gestured to the patient beds. "This is what your harmless piece of space-junk did."

The urge to roll my eyes at him, to butt into the argument and get them to shut up, took everything in me to hold back. "It was a burnt-out medical transporter. It was empty." Jack argued.

"Magoo, Carolina, Buttface." I called out, rising out of my chair towards the door.

Jack threw his head back and laughed. "Buttface?"

"It was either that, or Jackass."

"Sailor!" The Doctor shouted, in warning and humor. He was walking to the door too.

"Shut it Magoo!" I shouted back. "And that happens when I swear, so you're Buttface."

"Alright. I'm calling you TJ."

"You learn fast."

Rose sighed in exasperation. Guess I couldn't bond with her boyfriend. "Terra, are we getting out of here?" She asked, walking up beside me.

"Upstairs." I ordered, sternly. The Doctor was still angrily glaring at Jack. 'Okay. He did it. He has no IDEA he did it. Let's show him what happened. He'll put it together, and you'll see that he's decent.'

The Doctor scoffed mentally. 'Does your profile trick tell you that?'

'Yes.' I stated. The Doctor threw a skeptical wave at me. 'You didn't hate Rose when she apologized for what happened with her dad. You won't hate Jack for that.'

It wasn't because of the other episodes that told me that. It would be too easy. It was the Doctor in general. He forgave Rose as soon as she apologized, as soon as she faced the consequences of her actions. He forgave Jack. If Jack wasn't immortal, the two of them might have gotten along really well.

Jack didn't stop trying to get on the Doctor's good side. "I even programmed the flight computer so it wouldn't land on anything living. I harmed no-one. I don't know what's happening here, but believe me, I had nothing to do with it!"

"I'll tell you what's happening." The Doctor interjected. His voice boomed. It surprises me that he didn't wake any of them up. "You forgot to set your alarm clock. It's volcano day."

Jack stared in exasperation. The comment was rude, though not uncalled for.

Immediately after, a siren sounded off in the distance.

"What's that?" Rose asked, cautious.

"The all clear." The conman and I answered.

"I wish." The Time Lord grumbled, before sassily marching out.


The Doctor marched quickly down the hallway. The humans could barely catch up. No idea why, I felt I was actually going slowly.

'How can your profiling tell you that he's decent?' The Doctor thought.

I mentally shrugged. 'Keep in mind, I don't have all the facts. I don't like to judge without facts. My profile, though, and my gut instinct, says that Jack isn't doing this for money.'

'He's a conman!' The Time Lord argued sternly.

'We had him made before he could ask for money. I wasn't there when Rose found him, but I'm willing to bet he found her specifically because she wasn't from here. He could have done the con with any of the military men, they're the ones that really want this warship. He chose her, a Time Agent. His manipulator seems to be in working order, or at least enough for a trip out, so he's not stuck. He wants something other than money.'

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