"You should teach Terra to drive her." Rose spoke instead. I bristled at going off script, especially for something about me. "She'd probably fly it blindfolded and not crash."

"Your hope makes feel better." I gave Magoo a flat look. "Magoo teaching me to drive? I fear for the safety of everyone." Rose snickered.

The Doctor rolled his eyes. "I could teach you to drive her, if you wanted." He offered.

It was a kind offer, but I snorted. "No way! Last week, you promised to take us to this cafe you loved, quote unquote, before blew it up. Carolina, when did he land us?"

"As the cafe blew up." She answered, giving a cheeky smile.

"Thank ya kindly." I smiled widely at the Doctor. "Give me the instruction manual, and I bet I could work it out."

The Doctor shook his head. "Can't. It's in Gallifreyan."

I sighed. Another fun fact we learned was that, in addition to my memories being blocked, I couldn't understand Gallifreyan. The Doctor had assured that a few Time Lord styled lessons would have me back on track with it, but it apparently took a lot of setup. He kept forgetting to do it, and by the time he remembered we were running for our lives.

"Earlier, you said we we're little bit out." I supplied. "How much is a little?"

"A bit."

"Is that exactly a bit?"


"I feel so informed." I deadpanned.

Rose snickered. "What's the plan, then? Are either of ya going to do a scan for alien tech or something?"

"Rose, it hit the middle of London with a very loud bang. I'm going to ask." Our friend took out the little leather pouch, for the psychic paper.

"Doctor John Smith, Ministry of Asteroids." Rose read off.

"It's psychic paper." The Time Lord reported "It tells you-"

"Whatever you want it to tell me, I remember." She sighed, handing it back.

The Doctor winced. "Sorry." He apologized, taking the psychic paper back into his pocket.

"Not very Spock, is it, just asking." Rose asked.

"Door, music, people." He looked to me. "What do you think?"

"I think it's a loud party." I supplied dutifully.

"I think you should do a scan for alien tech. Give me some Spock, for once." Rose asked. "Would it kill you?"

"I think it will, yeah." I joked.

Rose looked at me. "And you? Can't you use an over your 179 years of space...time travel to track it?"

"Don't know if I can." I admitted, leaning in close to whisper. "Not in the mood to deal with his pouting."

"Well, yeah. He's like a little kid." Rose stated.

"Not like, his is a little kid."

The Doctor looked over at us, jaw dropped. "When the two of you want to stop chatting and help, be my guest."

I stood slanted, putting my hands in my hoodie. "I've performed a lot of manhunts over the decades." I said, just to antagonize. The Doctor rolled his eyes, grinning.

"You had manhunts?" Rose asked, grinning.

"In law enforcement, we sometimes have to chase down suspects." I shrugged. "Especially in the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. They always ran, you know?"

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