He was quiet for a long time.

"I take it there's nothing good about that." I commented, on the line of dry and worried.

He let out a dry snort. "It was a punishment on...on our old planet." It seemed he had trouble saying it too. Or maybe he was avoiding it for my sake. "For only the worst of crimes."

I blanched. So I was right, I had committed a crime. "How big does it have to be?" I asked, unable to keep the tremor of fear out of my voice. "Whatever I did, I wouldn't even remember doing it."

"There's interference, which was a big no-no." The Doctor explained. I smirked, snorting. "Yeah. I know. I wasn't well liked. They sentenced me with a memory wipe of how to fly the TARDIS-"

"Never gave it back, did they?"

"Hush you. They did give it back, but...I wasn't that great a flyer to begin with. Barely passed my exam." The Doctor explained, that somber tone in his voice. "She's meant to be flown by six, not one."

"Only the Time Lords can bring them back?" I asked, voice soft.

He paused. Yeah, that was the main thing I picked up. "Yes." The Doctor said. Though I could tell he really didn't want to be saying it. "More specifically, the High Council."

"Time Lord High Council?" I tried to joke. "Already pompous jerks, even more pompous?"

"Oh, so you remember them?" The Doctor joked with me.

The two of us chuckled, anything to avoid the really depressing facts he just told me.

"So...Time Lords." I began.

The Doctor sat up, eyeing me carefully. "What about them?"

I paused, nervously adjusting in my seat. "What...what were they like?"

The Doctor seemed curious about this. "What do you mean? They wiped your mind."

"Tell me anyway." I said with a shrug, but my voice was determined. "Only one race is pure evil, and they're Daleks. Our people may be total assholes, but not all of them. Some of them had to be nice. I'm nice. You're nice...ish."

"Oi!" The Doctor sounded offended, but he was smiling.

"Stupid apes." I said, mocking his accent. "'Are you plastic? No. Just thick.'"

"I'm not always calling that lot apes." The nine hundred year old alien argued.

Holding back a snort, I nodded at him. A smug smile on my face. "You're right. You haven't called Rose an ape in a while."

He had the decency to blush. "Yeah, well, she's smarter than the others."

"Oh." I teased him. "Someone's getting attached to his concubine."

"You can stop calling her that." The Time Lord reminded, annoyed.

"Nah. She likes it." I smirked, walking over to the pilot seat. "She calls me Doc Junior so it evens out-"

"Why does she call you that?" The Doctor asked, confused. He turned to me, pausing on his flight path or reconstruction or just idle tinkering.

He was the one who deflected the words off us, how does he not remember? "It was what Jabe called us on Platform One." I said, not sure why he wouldn't remember. "Remember? Kept calling Rose your girlfriend and I was your ward?"

For a moment, I thought I would have to explain it to the Doctor again. He looked confused about what I was saying, but not like he didn't remember the event. It was like the idea itself confused him.

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