Ep. 4- The Perfect Planet

Start from the beginning

            "You are welcomed on our home of Deglas.  Would our friends wish to accompany us to our home city?"

            "Yeah, sure.  Lead on."  The Doctor said, "Deglas- isn't that one in the Alpha Cluster?"  The Doctor asked, partly to himself.

            The two Jega turned and began to drift off over the gently sloping hills of pink-orange grass, and the Doctor and Mickayla followed, each stepping bringing them closer to the citadel.  From such a distance, they couldn't have told how large it was, but as they approached the glass dome, the Doctor and Mickayla gaped in awe- it was massive, looking as if it could easily fit an entire civilization.

            "Incredible!"  The Doctor whispered to Mickayla as he read readings from the sonic screwdriver, "The Jega are creatures of pure life-energy.  You know the energy you're exerting just to be alive right now?"


            "That's what they are.  It's like a tangible light, but it's not. They are physical beings, but they're just right on the line between physical and only mere energy."

            The four of them reached the city's encasement and walked inside, onto magnificent streets.  They whole place looked like a blend of old and new; modern transport used the cobblestone roadways, and tall buildings of innovative architecture were constructed in a Gothic design.  Everywhere, the light orbs flitted about, some burning brighter than others and ranging in color from white, to blue, to a soft pink like their sky.  Even pale shades of green that reminded Mickayla of fresh mint.  The Doctor kept scanning with the sonic screwdriver as they walked.

           "No climate change or global warming, no currency, I don't even see any sort of justice system."

           "On Deglas, we have no need for justice.  The Jega respect the fact that in order to have order, we must respect each other."  They replied.

            "Do you have any laws?"  The Doctor asked.

            "We've no need of them."

           "Amazing!  Mickey, they've evolved past evolving.  They've created a virtually flawless system."  The Doctor marveled, as if he couldn't believe it.  Almost as if he didn't.

            "So, essentially they're-"  Mickayla met his gaze.

            "The perfect planet."  He looked back and Mickayla smiled, surprised when the Doctor didn't.  He must think there's more to it.  She thought, a little disappointed that nothing could ever just seem good to him.  

            The Jega left them to finish their own tour, and the Doctor and Mickayla spent the entire late of evening venturing the streets of the Deglas home city.  Everything flowed and moved as one, happening right on cue in perfect unison, harmony and impeccable timing.  It wasn't noisy or crowded the way most cities were, and it didn't smell of smog.  The two tourists explored all the little nooks and crannies they could get into.

            "Look at that, Mickey!"  He hurried over to a small, telly-like machine and sonic-ed it, "It's today's news; the value of their natural resources are skyrocketing, yet they refuse to sell to neighboring constellations for fear of harming the planet's 'natural rhythm.'  And here it says they're preparing to celebrate their two-hundred-year crime-free streak."

            "What does that left column say?"  Mickayla pointed.

           "That's their environmental report- aces on water, air and soil.  They haven't touched this planet in centuries.  Finally, a race which knows how to treat their home!"  The Doctor exclaimed, making Mickayla feel a sassy pinprick in her chest.

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