Part 13 - Teeth

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It was already well dark. James, stumbling over the cracked footpaths through a haze of exhaustion and pain, barely noticed the time. His shift was over and he just wanted to go home to bed. Not that he'd get much sleep with the pounding in his head.

It was one of his wisdom teeth. The torturous ache radiated from his jaw, down his neck and into his skull. James tugged his coat closer, trying not to clench his teeth against the bone deep chill. He'd do anything to be rid of the pain. Problem was, James was afraid of the dentist.

At the end of the alley, he spotted a sign to his left. The red neon sign flickered, DENTIST. And beneath, OPEN LATE. James paused, but the pain made the decision for him. The door was unlocked, and he slowly made his way up the narrow, sagging stairs to the first floor.

The reception area, though dated, appeared decent. There was a petite woman behind the desk wearing a green surgical outfit and a mask, dark hair pinned securely at the nape of her neck.

"I'm sorry. It's my wisdom tooth. The pain, I can't..." James sucked in a breath. "I'm not good with..."

The woman nodded. "I understand. We have an opening now. Please, follow me."

Good. If he had to wait, he'd probably back out. She led him to the end of the hall. He paused at the doorway, eyeing the examination room. The standard reclining chair, trays of gleaming tools. He'd taken half a step back before she gripped his arm, hard, and pressed him into the chair.

There was a wave of pain and James had to close his eyes while it radiated through skull. When he opened his eyes, she'd wrapped thick leather straps around his wrists and ankles. He tugged, screamed for her to come back. Sobbed against the pain. He'd take a drill to it himself soon.

There was a muffled chuckle at the door. A man. "Sorry about all that." He must mean tying James to a chair while he went mad with pain and anxiety. "Heard you were a nervy one."

He came round the front. He wore spectacles and an old-fashioned dentist coat. "Everyone's got phobias, but I can't have you squirming about during the procedure."

Without waiting for James to reply he picked up a strange device and pressed it into the boy's mouth. It held his jaw open, making it impossible to tell the doctor his problem. James's anxiety reached full panic mode.

The dentist, he didn't even know his name, picked up a pair of pliers. James's eyes bulged at the sight. Wasn't he supposed to be knocked out? The stranger reached into his mouth and gripped the newly erupted molar firmly. Angling his wrist, twisting and tugging, while James sobbed and choked on his own spit.

Finally, there was a crunch and the tooth came free. Blood immediately spurted from the wound, dribbling down his chin and throat, but the dentist seemed pleased. He held up the tooth and tugged down his mask, revealing sliced lips and black teeth.

"To Saturnis, lord of bone and teeth, the wisdom teeth are the most exalted."

Themolar was placed in a velvet lined box and he leant over James again, thestench of his breath fanning over his victim's face, as he rooted around thebloody mouth for more white gold. 


Thanks for the prompt fright!

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