Chapter 1

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(your mom and a random lady want to see there kid on an infermery)

(moms name): "can I please see my baby!"

"I'm sorry mam but we can't do that"

Now she was really pissed all she wants to do is see her little girl.

"excuse me sir could I see my son?" A random lady appeared



"Both of your kids are in the same cradle, we don't want either one of you to wake up each others kids so please stop you can look at them through the window there quite cute in the position there in" and with that he walked off. They stared at the window they were both smiling. There two kids were holding hands.

"Your kid is so cute what's his name?"your mother asked

"his Name is sasuke, and yours?"

"her name is (y/n)"

"cute name, would you like for us and them to be friends?"

"Sure!"and thus a new friendship was born! Well friendship for now...

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