Chapter 21 - World Announcement

Start from the beginning

But that was your first mistake...

Smoker looked at you and realized something. He had seen that face before.

"You scum... And don't think I haven't noticed you, (Name) of Whitebeard Pirates."


"Wait a second!" Luffy said before choking all the food he had on his plate in his mouth and then he ran away.

You ran after him. (Mistake #2)

"GOD DAMN IT! I DIDN'T HAVE THIS IN MIND!" You screamed as you looked behind you.

Both you and Luffy found a dead end. The last rooftop.

"What n- AHHH I'M GOING TO DIE!" You screamed as Luffy grabbed your hand and jumped from the rooftop.

As the two of you ran, you realized that the numbers of the people that were following was growing.

Mom... I'm coming.

Luffy suddenly stopped when he saw some familiar faces.

"Oh, Zoro!" Luffy started waving.

The Zoro guy started to shake his head and hands, telling his captain to not say a word, but...

"Oh! Everyone is there!"

Every member of his crew face palmed.

"What should we do?" The long nosed guy asked.

"What are you guys doing? Run!" Luffy yelled while laughing.

"There is no other choice. Grab everything and let's get out of here."

As everyone ran to save their lives, Smoker caught up with Luffy, who was trying his hardest to run even faster.

"White Blow!" Smoker yelled. His arms turned into smoke, which made Luffy ran as fast as possible.

And like a knight in shining armour, a voice that you knew all too well suddenly said:


The two devil fruit power collided, fire and smoke. The fight was pointless...

From the flames that were flying everywhere, Ace made himself visible and appeared in front of Smoker, stopping everyone from running and look at him shocked.

"You again..." Smorker said under his breath.

"Stop it right there. You might be smoke but I am fire. With our abilities, a fight would be pointless."

"He's a devil fruit user?" Zoro said as he looked in awe at Ace.

"Ace! It's Ace!" Luffy finally snapped out of his shock.

"You never change, Luffy. But anyway, we can talk later, you guys get out of here. I'll finish this guys off."

You crossed your hands annoyed as he totally ignored you.

As the crew ran, Ace turned his full attention towards the battle, completely forgetting about you.

"I don't get it. Why help someone like Straw Hat?"

"Having a younger brother who is more on the slow side makes me worried." Ace said smirking.

"And her? What business do you have with her?" Smoker asks as he points at you.

You hid yourself behind Ace's back as you looked at Smoker who was also looking at you.

"You don't mean my girlfriend do you?"

Your eyes twitched in fear? Anger? Probably both.



After the two of you fled from the battle, you two were finally somewhere safe, without much people to witness... HIS DEATH!

He held you close in his arms as he slowly placed you on ground.

Once your feet touched the ground, you started to hit him.

"Oww! Cut it out! Damn it! What the hell?"

"You idiot! Do you realize what you've done?!" You yelled at him.

"What have I done? Other than looking super cool in front of my brothers crew and umm... I don't know, everyone?" Ace smirked proudly, probably giving himself some props for that.

"You literally just shorten my life! I wanna live Ace! Do I look like I have DEATH written on my forehead?"


"Oh my, what now?! No wonder that my bounty will increase after this!"

"You haven't done any-"

"Shut your god damn mouth for fucking once! You just announced to the whole entire world that YOU are my boyfriend." You said as you placed your hands on your eyes, trying your best not to cry.

(May I add that this is all a joke guys, don't think you're that weak. It's just like Nami when she was dragged into this whole Alabasta arc without even wanting to be implicated. Everything here is meant as a joke.)

"Correction, I announced to the world that YOU are MY girlfriend."


Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! Yeppppi

Hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you guys next chapter <3


^whoever made this is a genius

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^whoever made this is a genius

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