Chapter 2: A Shocking Birthday

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See told you i would keep up with uploading.

Nicole's POV

Age 14 (After Iron Man 1 Movie)

"Dad, you never told me why you were gone for so long when you left for Afghanistan." I said. I could guess why he was gone for so long. It was a war after all. I am not that dumb.

It's freezing right now. It's late November but it feels like we are going into another Ice Age. I love the cold, though, so I love this feeling of freezing to death. My friends call me Jack Frost all the time because I love being cold and always wish for snow even in summer. I am also called Jack Frost because when I wish for snow it, almost every time, happens. Except when I ask for it during summer which snow doesn't happen during summer so it's just a fail. Snow is one of the best things in the world. Because it's so cold right now it's perfect for my birthday and I guess Thanksgiving too. Central Park is really quite right now. My dad has body guards everywhere in this park so no one will come near us. I guess its fine but the whole being guarded 24/7 thing can get annoying. I have to deal with it because of the whole last name Stark thing. I feel like the Stark name has gotten a lot more notice recently but I have no clue why. Probably something to do with why my dad was in Afghanistan for what felt like forever.

"No one told you." He said like he didn't know already. No one tells me anything to do with the Stark family. I always have to find out for myself. This time there was no way to do that. I was cut off from everything.

"You know I was cut off from the tv and even the internet. Mom took me out of school, I haven't been able to talk to any of my friends, I can't go on any social media, and I can't even ask you two because you go off topic. I have no clue what happened but I pretty sure I could guess." This exact conversation has happened probably 50 times before.

"Hey look it's snowing." He just completely changed the topic. I guess it is good that he is not lying to me, though. It started to snow just at the perfect moment.

"You know you just changed the subject again." I looked at him getting a little annoyed now. I have been wanting to know what happen to him since he came back. He wasn't acting like himself. I knew something major must of happed but I didn't know for sure what.

"Oh I did?" He put on his famous smirk. Even though he has been getting back to himself a little bit, I can still tell what ever happened has scared him both physical and mentally. I have noticed he always tries to cover up his chest. I don't know why. I notice that it's glowing but that might just be something I am seeing. He tries to act as normal as possible but if you lived with someone your whole life I am pretty sure you know them pretty well.

"Yes you did. I am fourteen now. I think I can be told what happened to you."

"You are not old enough to know what happed. I don't think anyone is old enough to know." He went serious. He rarely ever goes serious. He always tries to be the funny guy. The one you think has no cares in the world; I know differently. He cares about a lot of things. I am the same way. If everyone around me is sad I try to crack a joke and make sure no one gets depressed. You also have to know where the line is, though. Some things you just shouldn't laugh about. I think that's probably one of the best qualities someone can have, let nothing get to you and always try to make others laugh. Laughter is said to be the strongest medicine.

"You know some time I going to find out so it might as well be now." I gave him my smirk. I think mine is better than his but he says otherwise.

"I don't doubt that. I just... it's hard to talk about."

"I could guess that much. Fine let's leave it at that. So why did you take me to the park today? Shouldn't we be going and eating as much turkey as we possibly can." I was getting hungry just thinking about all the food I get to eat.

"Yes, but it is your birthday so we have to celebrate it somehow."

"I think food is a good enough present." That's what I love most about my birthday, I think. I can eat as much as I want. Plus, I feel like everyone that is celebrating Thanksgiving, which is a lot of people, is also celebrating my birthday. You could say I am more famous then my dad. That's pushing it a little.

"We'll go eat in a little bit. Can't I just spend time with my daughter? Soon you're going to get married and have kids of your own."

"No I'm good with kids. I am only fourteen here."

"But you're soooooo old now."

"Hey want to talk about your age."

"Tou·ché. Let's just sit here for a little bit longer."

"Sure I guess." I closed my eyes to take everything in. This was actually really nice. I was really scared when he didn't come back home when he said he would. I thought the worst. My mom probably thought even more then what I did. Plus, she knew what was going on. Sitting here made me realize how much you can miss. Something dramatic can change your whole life in one second.

"Awww how cute." At first I thought it was my mom trying to get us back inside to eat. I realize almost immediately that the atmosphere didn't feel right. When my mom walks in the room the mood always gets better. Whoever said aww definitely did not make the mood better. It's like you can put your hand though an evil feeling in the air. Not just that but the air feels like there is a lot of electricity. Not enough to do anything of course. I opened my eyes to see a girl with blue hair and skin. She was wearing a leotard with a lightning bolt on it. I guess that explains the electric feeling in the air. I could tell from her face that this was going to end badly.

"Who are you?" My dad asked getting up from the bench. I could go run and get help but my feet will not move.

"Oh I'm Livewire. I wanted to come over to Marvel and take on Iron Man. Marvel has been behind on having superheroes so now that Iron Man is here, I want to see if Marvel can keep up with DC." She had a wicked grin and her hand started look like it was charging. I don't understand why she is here. If she wants to fight Iron Man, she should go find that. I don't even know what Iron Man is. Maybe that has something to do with the Afghanistan thing. What is that DC thing she said also? This lady is so confusing. I feel really stupid.

"Nicole, get behind me now." I shot up from the seriousness of his voice. I thought it was serious before, this is a whole new level.

"Oh I don't think that should happen." Everything went in slow motion. Lightning came out of her hand and coming straight for my chest. It took forever for it to finally hit my chest, or it felt like forever. I flew back and took the bench with me. I knew I was dead. I could literally feel my heart stop working. I also felt no pain. I would think if you got hit with lightning it would hurt. That why I knew I was dead. Perfect way to end my birthday. I didn't even get to eat Thanksgiving dinner. 

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