chapter nineteen:

Start from the beginning

“Move it down a bit.” I said. She moved it down. “No, see, that doesn’t look right. DO you see my problem Esmé?” she sighed and walked down from the ladder. “No it needs to go to the left, I think.” She said. I nodded in agreement. “Let me.” I said, walking up the ladder. “Perfect.” She said. My phone vibrated in my pocket, so I got down and got it out. It was a text from Issy.

“We’re just eating, be about half an hour x”

Fuck. I thought to myself. “She’s going to be here in half an hour, where is everybody?!” I panicked. “Olly, calm down, they will be here in 10 minutes.” I could feel myself sweating. “Olly, love, calm down.” Esmé repeated to me. i walked around the house, adjusting my tie. “She’s going to love it. What you’ve done for her. For Scott.” I could see she was welling up. I pulled her in for a hug. It has been 7 years since Scott passed. I was throwing a party to celebrate him. And then I was taking the family out to see Les Miserables at West End. Just as Esmé said, her family turned up 10 minutes later. I greeted them, recognising most of them. Her gran, her granddad, her cousins, her aunts and uncles. There were only 12 of us. Including Issy. I could hear Holly running up the driveway. “Shh, they’re coming, hide!” I whispered. We all got in out hiding places which I assigned before. She opened the door and walked straight into the front room. We all jumped out at the same time and yelled “SURPRISE!” she let out a scream and so did Holly. I walked over to her and gave her a hug. “You idiot!” she yelled at me. I pulled her in closer and gave her a kiss. Holly was sitting with the grandparents. “What’s this for?” she said, greeting her family. “Your Dad.” I said. She stopped what she was doing. I could tell she was thinking about something. She gasped and bought her hands to her mouth. “I-I forgot. How could I forget? Oh my god I’m a terrible daughter. Even you remembered Olly!” she said. I laughed and gave her a kiss. “Get a room.” Said one of Issy’s cousins, Jake, said. “There’s one more surprise.” I said. “Go and get changed into something nice.” She looked confused, but she did, and she was followed by a couple of her female cousins.

She came down 15 minutes later in a new red dress, with a denim jacket and heels. “Thanks for these by the way.” She said, giving me a peck on the lips. I smiled. “You’re welcome.” I whispered in her ear. She looked gorgeous. “Right, let’s go!” I said, hurrying everyone out of the house. “Where are we going?” Issy asked. “You’ll see soon.” A couple of Issy’s cousins who didn’t want to see the show stayed and looked after Holly. Issy, Esmé and I got into our car and the rest got into there’s. I was driving, so Issy and her mum were in the back, talking about something or other. I was more focused on the road. I heard Issy say something quietly to her mum. I wish I didn’t hear it. “What if the baby isn’t Olly’s? What is it’s..Taylor’s.” she said. This broke my heart. I swallowed the lump in my throat and pretended like I didn’t hear anything. What if it wasn’t mine though? I mean, I wasn’t going to love it any less, I just wish it was mine. Please let it be mine.

“Olly, thank you so much for today. He would of loved it. I loved it, my whole family loved it, my whole family love you!” Issy said, as we were getting into bed. “I love you.” I replied. She smiled and nuzzled into my chest. She fell asleep almost immediately. I just lay there, cuddling with the girl of my dreams.

Issy’s P.O.V.

I woke up to the buzzing sound of my phone. Olly was still sound asleep. I leant over him to get my phone. It was a call from Mum. I sat up and answered. “Hello?” I whispered. “Hello sweetie, can you come over in an hour? I’ve got something to show you.” She said. “Okay mum, see you later.” I said, hanging up. I put my phone down and got up. Holly had her own room now, so I walked into there to see she was still asleep. It was 9 o’clock. This is the latest she’s stayed asleep for. I took this opportunity to nip into the shower.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now