Chapter 8

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Nothing was out of the ordinary when Michael went home that day after meeting his new acquaintances. Yes, acquaintances. He honestly didn't know how to feel about them at this point. This was the first time, in a long time, that Michael had talked to anyone around his age besides Jake, and he felt that their first meeting could've gone worse. I mean, at least they weren't psychotic killers. Or students that would distract him enough to stray him from his studies. Although.... On one hand, they seemed to look up to him as if he were a role model, a person they want to get to know better. That felt endearing to the male, though at times, he often thought of it as a hassle. Or at least a little bit. But on the other hand, they seemed very shifty, their eyes focused on more than who he is now, but who he was before he came here.

In Michael's opinion, they're first encounter wasn't that bad. Yet he knew he should keep a close eye on them. Especially the youngest in the group.

Michael pushed open the door to his house before he roughly shoved his keys into his pockets, the warmth of the home enveloping him as soon as he stepped inside, shivering from the weather outside. He should've reminded himself to take an extra jacket. Or maybe a thicker sweater to wear over his long sleeve. 

The young man shook his head, as well as  his body, to distribute any warmth he had within his clothes before he slipped his backpack off, his back stripped of it's warmth. He ventured further into the home, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl in the kitchen. Of course, his house was silent and deserted as he peeled open his banana. His foster family was not there, already having left earlier that day. It felt kind of lonely, but Michael shook it off once he remembered what he was supposed to be doing right now.

He was supposed to research the night he feared to remember. Michael was to find out what happened that night, to see what else he'd missed from when he was a child.

He had to know why...

He had to know why she suddenly popped out, from out of nowhere, dead. He wanted to know why the police stopped searching for her, why she never tried to contact the authorities. He hoped to find out what the police had gathered while he was too young to understand what was going on...

And he wanted to know who Jeff the Killer was...

Let's get started...

And Michael listened, following the voice's advice.


January 2004

Police Report Missing Person: Mother Taken From Home

Police reported last Saturday that detectives arrived on the scene after an emergency. The call was phoned in by boy, the child of the kidnapped woman, to report the breaking and entering of he kidnapper.

The child reported that the mother was taken by a man with a wide smile. With further description, the  police believe that the kidnapper was a well known killer known as Jeffery Woods, under the alias Jeff the Killer. Jeff the Killer was only known for one kidnapping. And there is little evidence that there is any other suspect in the kidnapping of the woman.

The family of the woman will be informed, and her child will be held in custody until relative arrive.

Michael trimmed over the report, taking note of any differences between this and the articles he read before it. So far, this was one of the many reports that was issued about his mother, Natalie Moss, many of which only reported the night she disappeared. Many came in different lengths and different sources, but Michael stuck to the reports made by television stations and popular newspapers. He found a few other sources, but they all looked to be blogs or something. From what he'd gathered, his mother was taken away at approximately ten at night, and that the police couldn't find any trace of her whereabouts. They all didn't mention his name either, which struck him as odd. Though, he assumed it was because they didn't really care about him. Finding his mother was probably the most important thing back then.

Don't Call Me 'Son' (Jeff the Killer Fanfic) [2nd Place in Jeff the Killer 2016]Where stories live. Discover now