Chapter 666666666666666666666666........

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Ouch. Only 20 readers last chapter. 'Kind of hurts my feelings, but I hope this brings them all back. Welp. Here I go. 

P.S. Listen to the song above. It will help. 


Today was supposed to be a fun day, a fun night where Jeff could feel happy again after the death of his beloved. Today was supposed to be the day when he said hello to his boy, the only remaining human that he had access to that resembled his mother.

His little... BABY. Boy.

But then he saw her. In the school. Hanging on the wall. She was laying there as if she were asleep, surrounded by roses and blood. She was so beautiful that he could have wept before her form, asking her to come back to him or to take him with her. He saw how pretty she looked, how alive she was. The roses only brought out how soft her skin was, how beautiful she looked when she was dreaming. 

She almost looked like she was there, right in front of him. A few steps away.

No. No no no no no. She isn't alive, Jeff screamed at himself, banging his fist against the school building. His knuckles turned into a bright pink against his white, jagged flesh, his eyes unable to close as he stared at the floor with regret and anguish. At this hour, parents were already leaving to their cars, their distant murmurs reaching the killer's ears like a soft hum. A soft tune to calm his nerves. 

But he knew that music, or anything to the sort, couldn't help him. He knew that. He knew she couldn't come back. He knew that she was dead, that she wasn't like everybody else. Not like Liu. Not like Jane... She was gone just like his parents.

 Jeff moaned his dead lover's name over and over in his mind, his hands tugging at the tresses of his hair, his nails digging against his flesh. Natalie... 

Natalie... My beloved Natalie... 

Natalie was gone.

No. Jeff growled. He bashed his head against the wall, smearing his makeup against the wall as his forehead began to inflame from the hard hit. He bashed his head against it again and again, unable to stop the wandering speculation that she might be still alive. That she might just be at home waiting for him. That she and the twins were preparing for dinner and were waiting for him to come home. He could feel the pain on his forehead distantly, but his attention was caught elsewhere. 

He wanted Natalie back. He wanted her in his arms. He wanted to hear her voice. He wanted her. Only her. To smell her sweet scent, to caress her softly, to hear her laughter, to feel her warmth, to feel her skin pressed against his own, to feel her hand encased in his, to sleep on her lap, to smile when she wiped away his problems with a stupid joke,  to see her sleeping face pressed against their bedroom pillows. 

A distant memory emerged in his pain, and he could hear and see her playing with the twins. It was like watching an old home video, the memory blurred at the edges. But the only thing it seemed to focus on was the bright smile on her face, and the way she looked at him, and the way she seemed to emanate a vivid, shimmering light every time the twins tugged at her hair and smiled with their chubby cheeks. She smiled up at him, her eyes forming into the stupidly cute crescents that he came to love and adore as the twins toddled over to him in their onsies.

No. No. No no no no! 

Striking his head against the wall again, Jeff bit his lips bloody as he held his dry sobs, the hands in his pockets greedily clasping the knife he brought with him.

They flashed in his mind again and he couldn't avoid the pang that left him in pain, in a state of burning torment. The kids were playing with their food, their little hands flailing about them as they sat in their high chairs, their bibs messy from their fun. Jeff remembered his chest rumbling with jagged laughter, his hand holding their small bowl of food as the other held the spoon to their lips. Natalie was on the couch, sleeping like she usually did. He remembered how tired she always was and that he wanted her to rest. Just this once

Stop it! Jeff could taste the bitter, copper-y flavor of his own blood, the boiling of his blood agitating the half healed gunshot wound on his stomach.

Then another recollection finally brought him to his peak, the final nail in his coffin. She was sleeping next to him in this memory, her hair fanned out against the pillow she was cuddled against. Her eyelashes were flat against her cheeks, her skin radiating in the light as her tank top inched up her stomach. He was looking straight at her, as if he was sleeping next to her. Or maybe he had woken up earlier than her and decided not to wake her from her dream, not to disturb the nice shine that enveloped her figure and face. He could not remember why he was looking at her. But he wished that he did.

She was just so god damn beautiful...

 "Damn it!" Jeff rumbled, his breath raspy and heavy with remorse as he slammed his head against the wall again.

He wanted it all. He wanted everything. He wanted her

He remembered her waking up and smiling that dumb half smile that got his heart all a flutter whenever he saw it. He remembered the teasing remark she made as her green eyes drooped and tried so hard to stay open. He remembered how pleasantly warm she felt when she moved over to cuddled with him, making him feel not like a monster, but a man who could have such a beautiful person as his wife. As his lover...

Jeff couldn't take anymore. With his body trembling, Jeff crumbled to the ground and brought a hand to his mouth to hide the pathetic sobs and chokes that escaped him. 

He could feel her wrap her arms around his neck and pull him over her, her sweet whispered echoing in his ears, silently tearing his heart apart. 

He didn't want to  be here anymore. 

Her lovely, lyrical words and soft laughter were a small rapture that resounded within his mind, the call of his name pricking his chest as he sniffled on the ground, unable to forget, unable to let go of when she was alive, back when he had her in front of him. Back when he was happy.

No more... Please... 

Jeff sobbed against the ground, his hair falling over his white face as he silently trembled against the dirt, the hand that held his knife before clenched around nothing now as his wound opened even more.

Natalie... Please.

No more...


Welp. I finally updated. This took forever. Like usual. *straight face*So I wanted to do something special for this chapter (which I do for every sixth chapter btw) and this is what I got. Something about Jeff and this chapter seemed to scream to me as I sat down to write this. And I actually had an easy time writing it. It flowed out like a river, and the song I put up there just... helped me even more. I hope the song helps with the 'feels' factor because it sure worked for me. 

Also, any questions? I'll try to answer anything you have without spoiling anything. Well... As long as it pertains to the past and not the future. I mean... How many of you honestly want to know how Liberty is? Or the others for that matter?


*coughs* As I was saying, ask me anything. Comment some advice. I would appreciate it if you did. 

And also... For those of you who don't directly follow me... *looks around awkwardly* I made a... thing... A 'fanfiction' really.... *coughs* forMichaelandJake *coughs*... *shuffles suspiciously* And if you plan on reading it -not that I'm implying that you will! .... *averts eyes* Just don't... Just don't kill me, okay...? *sweats*


Without further ado, please like and leave a comment. No hate please. I don't allow that nonsense on my comment section. Only love and help is permitted~

Your Terrible Elf Dork,

Terrible_Fate // BEN Drowned

Don't Call Me 'Son' (Jeff the Killer Fanfic) [2nd Place in Jeff the Killer 2016]Where stories live. Discover now